
Sunday, February 16, 2014

Help the Crisp Pillow Coral!

Help the Crisp Pillow Coral!

Hello, this is IGL and this post is about helping the crisp pillow coral. The crisp pillow coral has an unusual look to it. Because of their intricate ridges around their round shape, they look much like a human brain (not to confuse with brain coral). They live in colonies together and grow up to twenty centimeters tall. What makes the crisp pillow coral so unique is that it is the only species in its genus (Anomastraea). Their polyps have many small tentacles that grab for food around them in the water. Their range is around the East coast of Africa, a small coastal area around Southern Asia, around some small islands and Madagascar, and waters surrounding the Arabian Peninsula.
Despite its brilliant uniqueness, the crisp pillow coral is endangered. Currently, the IUCN declared it vulnerable. Reasons for its increasing disappearance is all because of global warming, a man-made issue.  The rising heat causes coral bleaching, which means vital algae for the colonies is taken away. Now, the corals are vulnerable to harmful diseases. Destructive storms caused by climate change damages the coral reefs, leaving only few to survive. Pollution, fishing, human activity, and invasive species introduced by people also participate in the declining population. A species of starfish preys primarily on the crisp pillow coral because of loss of other coral reefs, due to climate change and global warming.
However, there are many ways for you to help. You could:
  1. Spread the word. Tell people about the crisis.
  2. Stop polluting the earth. Use less fossil fuel and save electricity.
  3. If you snorkel/reef often, try not to damage the coral reefs.
  4. Start a petition and get people to sign it.
Help the crisp pillow coral!

Idea+Gift=Love IGL