
Monday, June 2, 2014

Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer
            Hello, this is IGL and this post is about breast cancer. Breast cancer is the disease of the overgrowth of breast cells. Tumors will form; the two kinds of tumors are benign (harmless) and malignant. Harmful tumors can spread to other body parts and affect the system drastically. Types of malignant breast cancer are Invasive Ductal Carcinoma; Triple Negative Breast Cancer; Inflammatory Breast Cancer; Metastatic Breast Cancer; Metaplastic Carcinoma; and Paget's Disease.
            Symptoms for breast cancer are not usual at first, but when signs that a benign tumor is forming in the breast, it usually means cancer. But if you are going through puberty, do not mistake a bud to be breast cancer. For more serious conditions, painful symptoms occur. Breast or nipple pain, swelling, a large, strange lump, tenderness, skin irritation, skin dimpling, inward nipple, and nipple discharge that is not breast milk. If any of these symptoms occur, visit your doctor immediately.
            Breast cancer is classified into stages.
1.       Stage 0- Cancer not invasive or dangerous
2.      Stage 1A- Grows up to 2 cm but has not spread to other body parts
3.      Stage 1B- No tumor with invasive cells, or there is a tumor but smaller than 2 cm.
4.      Stage 11A
a.      No tumor but invasive cells found in lymph nodes
b.      Tumor is 2 cm or smaller, but has spread to axillary lymph nodes (under arm)
c.      Tumor is bigger than 2 cm, but hasn’t spread to axillary lymph nodes
5.      Stage 11B- Tumor is bigger than 2 cm and has spread to axillary lymph nodes or is bigger than 5 cm but did not spread to axillary lymph nodes
6.      Stage 111A- No tumor, but invasive cancer cells clumped in lymph nodes or any size of tumor has spread to axillary lymph nodes
7.      Stage 111B- Tumor is any size and spread to skin, and could’ve spread to axillary lymph nodes
8.      Stage 111C- NO sign of breast cancer, but could have spread to wall. Also has spread to lymph nodes near collarbone and to axillary lymph nodes near breast bone.
9.      Stage IV- The cancer has spread to other parts in the body
Breast cancer can be caused by many risk factors. Intoxicants, such as smoking, drinking, and drugs, can be cause breast cancer in the future. Being overweight and being exposed to radiation are also common ways. Radiation exposure before the age of 30 to the chest and face is a likely cause of cancer. Obesity is a huge risk factor. The excess fat produces more estrogen, which also produces more breast cells. As you begin to become older, losing weight is difficult. Junk food is also malicious to the body. Growth hormones in the fatty foods grow more breast cells, and also make girls receive their period before the age of 12, which is also another risk factor. Dense breasts make it harder to detect the cancer during testing. But there has been no link discovered from breast implants to breast cancer. But it is quite possible that breast implants may cause lymphoma. But lack of data can clarify this statement. Smoking is also a big risk. It damages the lungs, which makes it harder for treatment and healing. Drinking speeds up the growth of estrogen, and if a female drinks at least three drinks a week, it increases breast cancer risk by 15%. People who’ve taken HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) in the past, it can also risk breast cancer. Low Vitamin D and exposure to chemicals are also risk factors.
Luckily, if noticed early enough, breast cancer can be treated. Surgery is the most common type. Lumpectomy is the removal of a tumor and unhealthy tissue; mastectomy is the removal of a whole breast. A mastectomy reduces the risk of breast cancer again by 90%. The female has a choice to reconstruct the breast either by replacing with a breast implant or gathering other tissue. Surgeons remove the lymph node as well. Prophylactic Ovary Removal is when the ovaries are removed to reduce estrogen growth. This only makes it harder to get breast cancer. Hormonal therapy is similar to Prophylactic Ovary Removal—it blocks off or shuts down estrogen supply. When using hormonal therapy, often times the surgeon would remove the fallopian tube or ovaries. Cyrotherapy is when extreme cold temperatures are used to kill off cancer cells. However, scientists are not sure if cyrotherapy is affective. Radiotherapy is when radiation is used to kill invasive, cancer cells. Chemotherapy is the use of medicines to weaken or kill cancer cells. To see if you have breast cancer, contact the doctor for a mammogram, which is a test to see if you have breast cancer.
It is rare for parents to pass down breast cancer to children, which is only 5-10% of causes. The main reason is aging, which is 90%. In the United States, 1 out of 8 women will get breast cancer. However, individual risks vary depending on background, considering age. Breast cancer is most common in Caucasian women.
October is National Breast Cancer Month. Many organizations have been collaborating for events for National Breast Cancer Month. October 4th is Breast Cancer Awareness Day. The breast cancer ribbon is light pink.
NBCF (National Breast Cancer Foundation) is an organization that helps women by providing mammograms and detecting breast cancer before it becomes malignant. They give education and helpful advice for breast cancer and what might happen. NBCF started off as giving free mammograms in the United States, but now helps all around the world. NBCF is one of the most praised cancer foundations in the world.
There are many ways to help. You could:
  1. Tell someone. Write an article about it.
  2. Stop or abstain from drinking, smoking, and using drugs.
  3. Exercise a lot and keep a healthy weight. Maintain a healthy diet with plentiful Vitamin D.
  4. Stay away from radiation and harmful chemicals.
  5. If dense breasts are a burden, suggest breast reduction as an option.
  6. Donate to organizations, such as NBCF or American Cancer Society
  7. On October 4th, wear a pink ribbon in celebration of breast cancer.
  8. Test for breast cancer frequently, like mammograms
  9. Receive the best treatment for breast cancer if you have it
Help stop breast cancer!

Idea+Gift=Love IGL