
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Help the Bluefin Tuna!

Help the Bluefin Tuna!
          Hello, this is IGL and this post is about the Bluefin Tuna. The Bluefin Tuna is a type of oceanic fish that is endangered since the past few decades. The three species of Bluefin Tuna are Atlantic, Pacific and South. The Atlantic is the most endangered type of Bluefin Tuna. They swim really fast and dive thousands of feet down. They make the ocean unique. However, because of us, they are declining.
          In Japanese restaurants, the Bluefin Tuna is a popular food for sushi and sashimi. They are eminent for their indescribable taste in seafood.  But they’re just seafood. But an important factor is that they are an important predator for fish in the ocean. They balance the system of the fish food chain. Without them, the food chain would be corrupted.

          Because people love the Bluefin Tuna so much, fishermen overfish and pirate fish (illegal fishing) the Bluefin Tuna. Because of the overfishing, the Tuna have become endangered. All three species of Bluefin Tuna are declining. Everyday, the population for the Bluefin Tuna decreases. Eventually, the population will be down to 0.
          But there are ways to help them. You could:
  1. Donate. The Ocean Foundation started a fund called the Tag-a-Giant Fund. It’s about helping the Bluefin Tuna.
  1. Start a petition. Get people to sign it.
  2. Spread the word. Tell people about the Bluefin Tuna crisis.
  3. Stop eating so much Bluefin Tuna. You might not know it, but in Japanese restaurants, they serve many dishes with Bluefin Tuna. Also, don’t buy their meat at the markets all the time.
  4. If you fish the Bluefin Tuna, don’t! They need your help, and you could make a difference.
Help the Bluefin Tuna! They deserve to live on this planet!

-Idea+Gift=Love IGL

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Stop Sexual Abuse

Stop Sexual Abuse!
       Hello, this is IGL and this post is about sexual abuse. Sexual abuse is the assault against a person unwillingly sexual, like rape. Most of the time, sexual abuse happens to girls. And most of the time, the rapists are familiar to the victim. Rapists also threaten their victim not to tell by causing fear.
          Sexual abuse cases are successful because of fear and embarrassment. The abuser threatens the victim not to tell by causing something to happen when the case is exploited. Embarrassment is when a person feels like when someone knows, they will have doubt in them. For example, if a teenage girl is raped and becomes pregnant, she would fear that her parents would be disappointed in her.
          Audrie Pott was a teenage girl that was sexually abused. She was at a party when she became drunk and fell unconscious. Three of her schoolmates decided to rape her and post inappropriate pictures on the internet. The next day, the pictures go viral and everybody in the school knows about it. A few days later, Audrie hung herself.
          Audrie’s family founded an organization, the Audrie Pott Foundation, after Audrie’s death. The foundation gives free scholarships to art and music, important and valuable aspects to Audrie’s life.
          The American Foundation For Healing is a foundation that helps children and adolescents that has had first hand experiences of sexual abuse. AFFH aids people in believing in themselves and staying physically and mentally healthy. 
          There are so many people in this world suffering. But there are ways for you to help. You could:

  1. Spread the word and educate people around.
  2. Start a petition to help victims of sexual abuse
  3. Donate to organizations such as the Audrie Pott Foundation or the American Foundation for Healing.
  4. If you have been sexually abused, remember to stay strong and move on with life. 
  5. If you know someone that has been sexually abused, remind them that there are people out there that love them and can help them. 
  6. If YOU are the abuser, stop. 
Help stop sexual abuse!

-Idea+Gift=Love IGL 

Friday, April 12, 2013

Obesity & Nutrition

Obesity & Nutrition

          Hello, this is IGL and this post is about obesity and nutrition. Eating excess calories causes you to become obese. In this century, obesity is one of the most morbid disorders of the world. Obesity also causes many other diseases you could get including diabetes and heart attacks. It also hurts their confidence and trust on their appearance.

          Symptoms for obesity include difficulty of exercising, a large body, being lazy, and difficulty of breathing, muscle pain, early puberty, and knock-knees. It is difficult to exercise because of easily becoming tiresome. This leads to lethargy, or laziness. When obese, the muscles are weakened, making it hard to move. The fat pressures the muscle so it is hard to function properly or strongly. Fat produces estrogen and testosterone (hormones). With excess hormones, you receive puberty earlier. Knock-knees are when the legs are straightened, the knees ouch at an awkward angle.

          Effects include cancer, heart disease, muscle difficulties, back pain, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, breathing problems, strokes, organ diseases, and many more. Psychological problems include depression, stress, and low self-esteem. New studies show that pregnant and obese women have a higher chance of giving birth to a child with autism. ADHD is also more common in obese or overweight children.

          To have a better weight, exercise and eat healthier. Exercising is an important step to maintaining a better weight. Exercise daily like jogging or maybe jumping jacks. Exercising always helps. The next step is to eat healthier. The food pyramid consists of food groups: grains, vegetables, fruits, oils, meats & beans, milk products, and extras. Grains include bread, pasta, rice, cereal, and oats. Eat 6-11 servings a day. The vegetable group includes leafy greens, carrots, corn, and broccoli. Eat about 3-5 servings a day. The fruits include nectars, citruses, berries, melons, apples, and bananas. Eat 2-4 servings a day. The oils include castor oil, sesame oil, and nuts. Eat about a handful of nuts a day. The oils are usually included in vegetable servings. The meats & beans group include seafood, chicken, beans, and eggs. Eat about 2-3 servings a day. The milk products include yogurt, cheese, and milk. Eat about 2-3 servings a day. Extras are the unhealthy foods including ice cream, lollipops, butter, chips, and cake. Use the extras sparingly.

          Many countries in the world have a high number of people that are obese. According to studies in 2012, the country with the highest number of people obese is the United States. The US’s percentage of obese people is 33.8% of the population. Mexico is next (30%) and New Zealand after (26.5%). Since 2010, the percentage of child obesity in the US has increased a great amount. Since 1980, people from ages 6-11 have increased from 7% to 18%. Teenagers have increased from 5% to 18%.

          September is the National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month. The yellow ribbon stands for obesity. Make sure you wear the yellow ribbon in September.

          There are many ways to help. You could:

1.     Spread the word

2.    Wear the yellow ribbon in September

3.    Bond with children or adults that are obese

4.    Make your own body healthier.

Help stop world obesity!

-Idea+Gift=Love IGL

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Code Red

Code Red
          Hello, this is IGL and this post is about Code Red. Code Red is when a dangerous or suspicious person is on campus of a school. Sometimes, people take there anger out on little children in school. This is a major crisis in our society today. But there are ways to becoming safe of Code Red.
1.       LISTEN to your teacher in the situation.
2.     Lock the doors immediately.
3.     Stack heavy items against doors. This includes desks, chairs, and backpacks.
4.     Be quiet (shut up).
5.     Create a barrier in a small area in the classroom with desks or tables.
6.     Get everybody (including you) inside the barrier.
7.     Call 911--or any other emergency dial tone your country has--if the office didn’t already.
8.     Wait until the office declares it is safe to come out.
9.     Inform your parents (if they care) when you get home.

After following these directions, you will be safe and sound!
But if this is a major event in your school, there are still ways of spreading awareness. You could:
  1. Spread the word
  2. Start a petition
  3. Bond with children in need if injured or hurt during a code red they had
Follow these directions and tell the world of Code Red!

-Idea+Gift=Love IGL