
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Code Red

Code Red
          Hello, this is IGL and this post is about Code Red. Code Red is when a dangerous or suspicious person is on campus of a school. Sometimes, people take there anger out on little children in school. This is a major crisis in our society today. But there are ways to becoming safe of Code Red.
1.       LISTEN to your teacher in the situation.
2.     Lock the doors immediately.
3.     Stack heavy items against doors. This includes desks, chairs, and backpacks.
4.     Be quiet (shut up).
5.     Create a barrier in a small area in the classroom with desks or tables.
6.     Get everybody (including you) inside the barrier.
7.     Call 911--or any other emergency dial tone your country has--if the office didn’t already.
8.     Wait until the office declares it is safe to come out.
9.     Inform your parents (if they care) when you get home.

After following these directions, you will be safe and sound!
But if this is a major event in your school, there are still ways of spreading awareness. You could:
  1. Spread the word
  2. Start a petition
  3. Bond with children in need if injured or hurt during a code red they had
Follow these directions and tell the world of Code Red!

-Idea+Gift=Love IGL

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