
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Help the Elephant!

Help the Elephant!

    Hello, this is IGL and this post is about helping the elephants. The elephant is one of the most well-known animals of the world. Their remarkable huge bodies, tusks, and tree trunk-like legs make them more likeable. There are two types of the elephant: the African and Asian elephant. They look alike, but there are many features that differ between them. The African elephant has larger ears than the Asian and only the males have tusks. The Asian elephant has a significant bump on their head and both female and male have tusks. Elephants attract tourists to Africa to see the beautiful wild animal creature.
    Elephants are vital to the ecosystem. They eat the seeds of about ⅓ of all the tree species in their area. They spread the seeds around in their feces and helps the soil, enriching the dirt with minerals and nutrients for the plants. They trek through the savannas and forests, helping the wildlife.
    However, these animals are disappearing. They are being poached for their tusks, also known as ivory. For many years, the government has tried to stop illegal poaching, but the process still goes on today. The ivory is sold in black markets to make jewelry. The African elephant is currently vulnerable and the Asian elephant is endangered. The Asian elephant has four subspecies, and all of them are threatened in the wild. Human development is causing habitat loss, which is taking up their food, the vegetation. Roads and canals are replaced instead of trees. Conflict brings out when an elephant is seen in civilization and elephants or people can be hurt. They are also being captured for timber use and males without tusks have a low breeding chance.
    You can always help the elephant. You could:
  1. Spread the word. Tell people about it.
  2. Donate to organizations that help elephants.
  3. Start a petition and get people to sign it.
  4. Boycott ivory and advocate against it.
  5. Stop riding elephants for tourist attraction.

Help the elephant!
Idea+Gift=Love IGL

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