
Thursday, December 19, 2013

Help the Panda!

Help the Panda!

          Hello, this is IGL and this post is about helping pandas. The panda lives in the deep mountainous forests of Southwest China of the Yangtze Basin. They are easily recognized because of their black and white body with their dark patches around their eyes. The panda is a peaceful creature of the bear family, and is China’s pride. Their diet mainly consists of bamboo stalks and they eat most of the day. This species of animal is very big, even though when they are born the baby is about the size of a stick of butter. Their height reaches four feet high and weigh to about 200-300 pounds.
          However, the panda is disappearing fast. According to IUCN, the panda is currently endangered. They have a high risk factor of becoming extinct in the near future! Pandas are essential for the ecosystem of the forests in China. They spread seeds around when they eat and attach to their fur, and they fall off soon to reach the earth. Without bamboo in the forests, other species of animal will also soon die out too. The panda is also necessary of China’s economy by attracting tourists to see them in the national parks. Their forests are being cut down for railroads and roads, separating the population and decreasing the chances to mate. Deforestation of the bamboo also takes away their diet. Poaching is also a major problem when a poacher accidentally shoots a panda when instead aiming for a different animal.
          There are so many ways to help the pandas. You could:
  1. Spread the word and tell people.
  2. Donate to preserves or organizations that help pandas.
  3. Boycott products that use bamboo.
  4. Start a petition. Get people to sign it.

Help the Panda!

Idea+Gift=Love IGL

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