
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela

          Hello, this is IGL and this post is about Nelson Mandela. Born in Transkei, South Africa in July 18, 1918, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela would soon be South Africa’s first black president. His parents were of the Thembu tribe of traditional Africa, and his father was a chief. As a young child, he faced racism inflicted on his people by the Apartheid and the South African government. He knew he wanted to fight for his people.
          Mandela enrolled in primary school with his native name, Rolihlahla. His teacher gave him a Christian name, Nelson. He was admitted to University of Fort Hare and University of Witwatersrand, where he studied law. He joined the African National Congress in 1944 to fight against racial oppression, and the apartheid, which was a racial segregation enforced by the National Party.
          In 1955, Mandela was arrested for treason and was tried from 1956 to 1961, and soon acquitted in 1961. Meanwhile, on March 20, 1960, a non-violent protest turned to a bloody massacre. Black protesters were marching for equality and civil rights when white officers killed 69 and wounded 180 individuals. All victims were unarmed. This day became known as the Sharpeville Massacre.
          After the Sharpeville Massacre, the ANC (African National Congress) was banned. Mandela was arrested in 1962 for leaving the country without a valid passport and planning a strike against the government. He and other civil rights activists were sentenced to life in prison. He was incarcerated on Robben Island, but then was transferred to Pollsmoor Prison.

          The ANC was unbanned in 1990, and Nelson Mandela was released from prison on February 11, 1990. He successfully fought for his people and achieved many accomplishments after his release. He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993, voted for the first time in 1994, and became South Africa’s first democratically voted black president. After one term as president, he stepped down as he promised.
          On December 5, 2013, Nelson Mandela died in his Johannesburg home. Mandela has become a legendary hero for equality and civil rights for his people, and is known as one of the greatest anti-apartheid activists of history. Honor Nelson Mandela

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The Humane Society

The Humane Society

          Hello, this is IGL and this post is about the Humane Society Foundation. The Humane Society is an organization that helps animals in need. They establish animal shelters for unwanted or stray animals, animal care centers, and petitions for banning the harm of animals.
          Animal shelters all around the world help animals. They can even help an owner find a lost pet that separated from them.

Idea+Gift=Love IGL

Make a Wish

Make a Wish Foundation

          Make a Wish is an organization that helps children with medical conditions. Established in 1980, Make a Wish has given hope to thousands of children. With a child patient living in the United States, they ensure to grant them one wish of their choice to help bring them joy. They also have hosted fundraising from the aid of volunteers.
          Make a Wish was founded to dedicate it to a boy named Chris Greicius, who was living with deadly leukemia. Chris yearned to become a police officer, and the founders were touched by his dream. Make a Wish is worldwide today, and has included more than 250,000 children. This organization has truly made children happy, as their website states, “We grant the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions to enrich the human experience of hope, strength, and joy.”

          Make a Wish has helped thousands of children, but not all. You can volunteer to help grant a wish or host special events. If you don’t want to volunteer, you can donate money, or “treasures”, like computer equipment, hot tubs, or spas. You can also donate flier miles. More than 2.5 billion miles, or 50,000 round-trip tickets are needed to grant wishes. Check out their website!

Idea+Gift=Love IGL

Monday, July 28, 2014

Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez

          Hello, this is IGL and this post is about Selena Gomez. Selena Gomez is a famous singer and actress known for her Disney Channel show Wizards of Waverly Place. She has also appeared in other movies such as “Princess Protection Program”, which she worked on alongside her best friend Demi Lovato. Her music has been praised too, such as her songs “Love You like a Love Song” and “Who Says”.
          Selena Gomez involves herself in many charities and organizations. She is the youngest ambassador of UNICEF’s foundation Goodwill. She has participated in launching the Ryan Seacrest Foundation, which helps children in poor conditions to be able to chase their dreams in radio, TV, and music.

          Selena Gomez has involved herself in so many organizations and charities. This isn’t even half the things Gomez has done in her life. She has been a great help to many children and individuals in this world.

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Demi Lovato

Demi Lovato

          Hello, this is IGL and this post is about Demi Lovato. Demi Lovato is a singer and actress, and also, a philanthropist. Demi Lovato is a celebrity that has struggled through many issues as a child and adolescent, including cutting, eating disorders, bipolar, substance abuse, and bullying. Demi has been bullied as a child, but during middle school, the bullying became too much and she pulled out of public school to be homeschooled. She had a rocky relationship with her self-esteem issues and her eating disorders. At a young age, she began binge eating, and soon, throwing herself up because of her bullies. She also began to cut herself to harm herself.
          She always wanted to become a singer/actress, so she landed a role on Disney Channel to a short series called As the Bell Rings. People were impressed by Lovato’s talent and Disney soon gave her the roles in Camp Rock along with the Jonas Brothers, the sequel, and her own show, Sonny with a Chance.
          Lovato’s first account of substance abuse was around the age of 12. She got into a car accident and was prescribed painkillers. She would sneak them from her mother’s purse and consume them, enjoying the feelings of being taken away of her conscious. Through her teen years, she began to party a lot and use drugs and alcohol. After her relationship with Joe Jonas broke, whom she dated for about two months, she started to frequently party. When one of her own friends threatened to tell, she punched her and had a nervous breakdown.

          Her family and friends suggested for her to go to rehab, where she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. After exiting rehab, she got better, and stopped cutting, purging, and overcame her past experiences. However, she relapsed, and continued her substance abuse with cocaine and alcohol. But after one day of throwing up in the limo, she decided to turn her life around and stay sober. She lived in a sober living house for quite a time, and now advocates against glamorizing intoxicants.
          She released her hit single “Skyscraper” in 2011 and published a daily meditation book called Stay Strong: 365 Days a Year to positively treat a day better. She advocates against drug and alcohol abuse, reckless partying, self harm, and hate. She tells people that no matter how they feel, they are beautiful. She has inspired people to tell their story after she dared to tell hers, and helped many souls in getting better from their own issues.
          Lovato is also an advocate for LGBT rights, and was crowned the grand marshal for Los Angeles’s Gay Pride Parade in 2014. She has publicly announced her love for the LGBT community and how even though she was Christian, she knew that Jesus loved everyone and treated them equally. Today, Demi Lovato has been an inspiration to people everywhere: children, teenagers, and adults. She has been an incredible role model to people all around the world.

Idea+Gift=Love IGL

Help the Elkhorn Coral

Help the Elkhorn Coral!

     Hello, this is IGL and this post is about helping the Elkhorn Coral. The tissue of Elkhorn Coral is covered with zooxanthellae, a type of algae that has a symbiotic relationship with coral. The zooxanthellae produce food for the coral by photosynthesis, while the coral gives the algae shelter and space for sunlight.
     Elkhorn Coral is a great home for other sea life because a) they can outgrow competitors in their tropical reef habitats because of their light structures; b) Elkhorn Coral colonies are simultaneously hermaphroditic, being able to reproduce young with themselves because they are both sexual and asexual (their offspring will be exact clones as their mother/father); and c) Elkhorn Corals, whenever hungry, can prey for fish and plankton using their long tentacles.
     However, despite these advantages and adaptations to survive, the Elkhorn Coral is critically endangered. Because of disease, natural disasters, coral bleaching, human activity, and pollution, the Elkhorn Coral is disappearing. The main factor is global warming. The climate change causes the waters in the ocean to heat up, which the zooxanthellae do not like. This causes coral bleaching. With the disappearances of zooxanthellae, the corals are vulnerable to disease. The climate change also causes more hurricanes, harming the coral reef habitats. The bacteria from human pollution also cause more diseases for the Elkhorn Coral. Destructive fishing practices and human waste harms the reefs.
     There are many ways for you to help. You could:
1.       Start a petition and get people to sign it.
2.     Educate people and tell them about it.
3.     Use less electricity and fossil fuels. Try walking or biking instead of driving around in cars. Don’t use electricity when you don’t need to.
4.     Start throwing away your trash and stop increasing pollution.
5.     Don’t destruct coral reefs by fishing or any other human activity.

Help the Elkhorn Coral!

Idea+Gift=Love IGL



          Hello, this is IGL and this post is about Afghanistan. Afghanistan is a country in the region of Central Asia. Afghanistan is known primarily because of the ruthless Taliban. After the Taliban faded and was forgotten in most of the country, poverty followed. The country’s Islamic faith holds them true to themselves, but all the hard work was wiped away after the war with the United States.
          The Taliban was an organization of strict rulers and leaders, and followers grew among the nation. The Taliban was harsh, and many were killed. Females were not aloud to attend schools, and are brutally treated as mere servants to cook, clean, and raise children. After the 9/11 accident, a war occurred between USA and Afghanistan. When the Taliban retreated, people rejoiced. But today, members of the Taliban still live in the nation. After the war, buildings were gone and streets were ruined. Children have to go to work instead of going to school to get an education. 42% of the population lives in severe poverty. 90% of women are illiterate, and 63% of men are illiterate. In 2012, Afghanistan’s GDP per capita was $1000. That means, the average amount of money people who work in the country earn $1000 in one year in total. That’s not a lot.
          Poverty is most common in the rural areas. Prices of food have increased when families could barely afford anything. After the war, pollution and destruction is everywhere. Most battles took place in the rural. 45% of the Kuchi nomads and rural people are living in critical poverty. Famers, herders, and landless citizens are the poorest, and widows must take care of their children without a husband. The Kuchi people are historically nomadic and depend on livestock to survive. 15% of these people must settle because of loss of migrational routes or livestock. The Kuchi citizens are also neglected by the government.
          Afghanistan’s children have harsh treatment, especially children under the age of five who are vulnerable. Their families can’t pay for school so they must work to earn some money for their families. Half of Afghanistan’s population of children is living with chronic malnutrition. Children in the refugees do not have the right resources to stay healthy, and some rural children must live on the rural land alone with their widowed mother. Many are illiterate, and when they become sick, their families don’t have enough money to get a doctor.
          Help the Afghan Children is a foundation founded by Suraya Sadeed. Help the Afghan Children supplies children with the right sources. It also helps them get a good education by building schools around the country. They send learning programs to the children, and have established schools in Kabul and Laghman Province. HTAC gives programs for computers, environment, literacy, and cultural exchanges. They also give peace and landmine education, as well as teacher training. Their literacy program, the Read Afghanistan Literacy Program, teaches children to read story books in bilingual languages, and educating them how to write. HTAC also gives humanitarian supplies, such as clothes, blankets, medicine, shoes, food, and heating to help them live.
          There are many ways for you to help. You could:
  1. Start a petition.
  2. Spread the word
  3. Adopt a child from Afghanistan
  4. Donate or volunteer at HTAC (

Help Afghanistan!

Idea+Gift=Love IGL