
Monday, July 28, 2014



          Hello, this is IGL and this post is about Afghanistan. Afghanistan is a country in the region of Central Asia. Afghanistan is known primarily because of the ruthless Taliban. After the Taliban faded and was forgotten in most of the country, poverty followed. The country’s Islamic faith holds them true to themselves, but all the hard work was wiped away after the war with the United States.
          The Taliban was an organization of strict rulers and leaders, and followers grew among the nation. The Taliban was harsh, and many were killed. Females were not aloud to attend schools, and are brutally treated as mere servants to cook, clean, and raise children. After the 9/11 accident, a war occurred between USA and Afghanistan. When the Taliban retreated, people rejoiced. But today, members of the Taliban still live in the nation. After the war, buildings were gone and streets were ruined. Children have to go to work instead of going to school to get an education. 42% of the population lives in severe poverty. 90% of women are illiterate, and 63% of men are illiterate. In 2012, Afghanistan’s GDP per capita was $1000. That means, the average amount of money people who work in the country earn $1000 in one year in total. That’s not a lot.
          Poverty is most common in the rural areas. Prices of food have increased when families could barely afford anything. After the war, pollution and destruction is everywhere. Most battles took place in the rural. 45% of the Kuchi nomads and rural people are living in critical poverty. Famers, herders, and landless citizens are the poorest, and widows must take care of their children without a husband. The Kuchi people are historically nomadic and depend on livestock to survive. 15% of these people must settle because of loss of migrational routes or livestock. The Kuchi citizens are also neglected by the government.
          Afghanistan’s children have harsh treatment, especially children under the age of five who are vulnerable. Their families can’t pay for school so they must work to earn some money for their families. Half of Afghanistan’s population of children is living with chronic malnutrition. Children in the refugees do not have the right resources to stay healthy, and some rural children must live on the rural land alone with their widowed mother. Many are illiterate, and when they become sick, their families don’t have enough money to get a doctor.
          Help the Afghan Children is a foundation founded by Suraya Sadeed. Help the Afghan Children supplies children with the right sources. It also helps them get a good education by building schools around the country. They send learning programs to the children, and have established schools in Kabul and Laghman Province. HTAC gives programs for computers, environment, literacy, and cultural exchanges. They also give peace and landmine education, as well as teacher training. Their literacy program, the Read Afghanistan Literacy Program, teaches children to read story books in bilingual languages, and educating them how to write. HTAC also gives humanitarian supplies, such as clothes, blankets, medicine, shoes, food, and heating to help them live.
          There are many ways for you to help. You could:
  1. Start a petition.
  2. Spread the word
  3. Adopt a child from Afghanistan
  4. Donate or volunteer at HTAC (

Help Afghanistan!

Idea+Gift=Love IGL

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