
Monday, July 28, 2014

Help the Elkhorn Coral

Help the Elkhorn Coral!

     Hello, this is IGL and this post is about helping the Elkhorn Coral. The tissue of Elkhorn Coral is covered with zooxanthellae, a type of algae that has a symbiotic relationship with coral. The zooxanthellae produce food for the coral by photosynthesis, while the coral gives the algae shelter and space for sunlight.
     Elkhorn Coral is a great home for other sea life because a) they can outgrow competitors in their tropical reef habitats because of their light structures; b) Elkhorn Coral colonies are simultaneously hermaphroditic, being able to reproduce young with themselves because they are both sexual and asexual (their offspring will be exact clones as their mother/father); and c) Elkhorn Corals, whenever hungry, can prey for fish and plankton using their long tentacles.
     However, despite these advantages and adaptations to survive, the Elkhorn Coral is critically endangered. Because of disease, natural disasters, coral bleaching, human activity, and pollution, the Elkhorn Coral is disappearing. The main factor is global warming. The climate change causes the waters in the ocean to heat up, which the zooxanthellae do not like. This causes coral bleaching. With the disappearances of zooxanthellae, the corals are vulnerable to disease. The climate change also causes more hurricanes, harming the coral reef habitats. The bacteria from human pollution also cause more diseases for the Elkhorn Coral. Destructive fishing practices and human waste harms the reefs.
     There are many ways for you to help. You could:
1.       Start a petition and get people to sign it.
2.     Educate people and tell them about it.
3.     Use less electricity and fossil fuels. Try walking or biking instead of driving around in cars. Don’t use electricity when you don’t need to.
4.     Start throwing away your trash and stop increasing pollution.
5.     Don’t destruct coral reefs by fishing or any other human activity.

Help the Elkhorn Coral!

Idea+Gift=Love IGL

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