
Saturday, July 26, 2014

Mental Disorders

Mental Disorders

          Hello, this is IGL and this post is about mental disorders. Mental disorders are conditions in which the brain is not able to function correctly. People with mental illnesses can be born with them or can be affected by their environment. Mental disorders can be defects in personality, education, social ability, phobias, depression, impulse-control, memory and eating disorders. These affect people and others around them. It affects their past, present, and future. However, people with mental disorders should be treated equally as anyone else.
          There are many types of mental disorders, such as:
  • Anxiety disorders: This could affect both adults and children. They can last a long time and are quite common. They put the person in a depressive mood, creating feelings like angers, stress, and fear. This includes phobias, panic disorders, social anxiety, stress, OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), and general anxiety.
  • Child disorders: These affect a person during their childhood. It can be social or learning abilities. These include pica, ADHD, autism, dyslexia, bed wetting, and much more.
  • Sleep disorders: These are in effect during sleep. They include insomnia, sleepwalking, sleep bruxism, nightmare disorder, narcolepsy, hypersomnia, and sleep terror disorder.
  • Mood disorders: Mood disorders affect a person’s behavior and mood, and some may even cause potential, violent outbursts. These include bipolar, depression, Cyclothymic Disorder, Seasonal Affective Disorder, and Dysthymic Disorder.
  • Organic Brain disorders: Organic brain disorders are caused because of the individual’s surrounding environment. Trauma from past events or other failures of the body could cause this. These include dementia, (sometimes) amnesia, Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, delirium, Parkinson’s disease and Huntington Disease.
  • Personality Disorders: Personality disorders affect a person’s behavior or mental thoughts. A type of personality disorders is called an odd personality disorder, oddly dissociative and detached. These are Schizotypal, Paranoid Personality Disorder, and Schizoid. Another type is Dramatic, being over reactive or sensitive. These include Antisocial, Borderline, Narcissistic, and Histrionic Personality Disorder. The last group is Anxious, when a person is scared to be independent and sometimes detaches him or herself from others. These are Avoidant, Dependant, and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
  • Impulse Control Disorders: Impulse control disorders are conditions in which a person has an addiction or urge that might harm him or herself or others around. These are Kleptomania (stealing), Intermittent Explosive Disorder (anger issues), Pyromania (setting fire), Pathological Gambling, Trichotillomania (hair plucking), Internet Addiction, Dermatillomania (skin plucking), onchycophagia (nail biting), and compulsive shopping.  

There are many other types of other mental disorders, such as conversion disorders, factitious disorders (pretending to be injured or sick), and substance abuse (abusing intoxicants). 

Help people with mental disorders!

Idea+Gift=Love IGL

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