
Saturday, July 26, 2014

Help Stop Cyberbullying!

Help Stop Cyberbullying!

       Hello, this is IGL and this post is about cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is using technology to bully someone else. Today, many people all around the world are abusing technology to hurt an individual’s feelings in a devastating way. Any network used can hurt someone, such as Facebook, Google Plus, and Twitter. Or you could simply just send a cell phone text. If you tease someone, their feelings can get hurt in a considerable way. Cyberbullies are in a sense cowards. They, instead of saying something face-to-face, they tend to hide behind a computer or phone. When cyberbullies are confronted and exploited, they really have nothing to say.
          Whenever something inhumane is done, consequences are sure to come. Even if you're friends or close to someone, they might interpret your message differently than you intended. You can be a cyberbully simply by passing on a picture or something private to people you know. If you get a picture sent to you that could be embarrassing or humiliating to someone, it is humane nature show everyone something exciting. However, this could hurt someone very much. People can make some actions that are drastic, such as self harm or suicide.
          Megan Meier was a young, 13-year-old, diagnosed with depression and ADHD, who lived in the state of Missouri. She was bubbly, goofy girl who loved spending time with friends and family—she killed herself in 2006 by hanging. Megan Meier was a user of MySpace, and she found herself an online friend by the name of “Josh Evans”. They exchanged messages and became friends. Moments later, “Josh Evans” began to send her hurtful messages. She couldn't talk all this hate any longer and hung herself in October 2006. It turns out that this Josh Evans isn't real, and the people who made the account where Lori Drew, Sarah Drew, and Ashley Grills. Sarah Drew was a friend of Meier, and when she heard that Megan allegedly called her an “ugly lesbian”, she and her mother, Lori Drew of 49 years of age at the time, created the MySpace account along with Lori’s employee, Ashley Grills, 18. They taunted her and finally, the message that sent Meier to the doorsteps of Death, said “The world would be a better place without you”. The Drews and Grills were sent to court about the case. An adolescent and two adults were involved in the suicide of Meier. Instead of having a talk between parents and adults, Lori Drew cyberbullied a young girl.
          Tina Meier, Megan’s mother, created a foundation called the Megan Meier Foundation. It represents all the consequences and aftermaths of cyberbullying. Tina has traveled all over the United States to teach children of all ages the matters of cyberbullying and what might happen afterwards. Today, the Megan Meier Foundation reminds people of the terrible effects of gruesome cyberbullying.
          There are many ways for you to help. You could:
  1. Start a petition and get people to sign it.
  2. Spread the word about cyberbullying.
  3. Encourage your friends or yourself to stop spreading private media of others that could hurt their feelings.
  4. If you are a victim of cyberbullying, remember to stay strong and know that people are there for you and people who love you.
  5. Volunteer/donate at the Megan Meier Foundation (site: ) or other organizations.

Help Stop Cyberbullying!

Idea+Gift=Love IGL

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