
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Teenage Pregnancy

Teenage Pregnancy

          Hello, this is IGL and this post is about teenage pregnancy. The world is full of teenage girls who have become moms unexpectedly. In the past decade, the rate of teenage pregnancy has risen drastically. Sometimes girls get pregnant on purpose, or they accidentally forget about protection. A baby comes with great responsibility and sometimes teenage parents don’t have that ability. A child might mess up grades, friendships, family and romantic relationships, careers, and future college chances. Adulthood is the perfect time for a child, because it comes with wisdom and responsibility. Not all teenage parents are irresponsible, but most do not know how to care for a baby. It is best for the adults to teach their children the best way.
          Girls have been involved in cases where they forget to put on a condom, or maybe are drunk or high. In other words, they don’t know what they’re doing. There are girls in this world that think they can be fitting parents for a baby at a young age, still in high school and not yet with a stable job. The ones that think they can do this and are confident and responsible enough don’t really know the difficulties of being a parent. Yes, I am thinking about the girls on Maury who claim they have the sufficient sources for a child. But when they do get one, they can’t take care of it.
          However, keep in mind: Never judge a teenage mother or father, no matter their race, gender, nationality, appearance, or age. You do not know the complete story of their lives. Even though in the two above paragraphs, it seems like teenage moms are not responsible, you do not know what really happened. True, there are girls that are naïve or strive to get a baby, but that may not be the case for everything. A teenager can get pregnant by many causes, some even gruesome, such as sexual abuse. Rid of all stereotypes that teenage moms are ‘sluts’ and ‘have sex every day’, because that may not be the case for every girl.
       The Candie’s Foundation is an organization that aims to educate teenagers about the dangers of becoming a teenage parent. They motivate students to think before they act and use protection. They send campaigns across schools to teach girls about the responsibility about having a child. But they do this uniquely. They use celebrities to expose parenthood and advocate against it to catch teenagers’ attention.
          A lot of girls are pressured into having sex. When this happens, usually a baby is accidentally formed. It could be forced, or they decide it in consolation for their partner. Sometimes, the boyfriend is peer pressured into having sex with his girlfriend, so both ways can happen. A girl or guy might not be ready to take such a huge step in a relationship, and irresponsibility comes with it. Sometimes, people peer pressure themselves because everyone else is doing it. However, not everyone else is doing it. They might boast about it, but in truth, they might not be sexually active. In fact, STDs can spread when people are not careful, like the HIV, which causes the deadly disease of AIDS.
          Preventing pregnancy is the best way to, well, prevent it. Abstinence is the number one choice, but everyone knows that doesn’t always work. Condoms are a common way for protection. It acts like a balloon, and wraps around the genitals of either partner. It prevents the sperm into reaching the womb, where fertilization takes place. Birth control pills are the second choice, for girls. The female takes a pill every day to delay the ovulation. If the female forgets to take it for one day, she can get pregnant a few days later.
          When a teenager gets pregnant, she panics. Fortunately, for U.S. citizens, the government formed a law called the Safe Haven Law. This allows babies to be legally dropped off at an adoption center, hospital, or other “drop-off area”. This only applies to parents that haven’t abused or neglected their child before. The parent and child are given the same bracelets, so if the mother wants to reclaim him or her, it’s possible. The Safe Haven Law can be a less stressing choice than to just leave the baby on the street, so some do take this choice. Just remember to think wisely.
          Finally, there is one way to deal with a baby. This choice is disputed whether it is moral or immoral, based on common sense, science, or religion. It is abortion. Abortion is when the mother, while pregnant, kills the baby. Some grabs it by the skull and pulls it out, or they take a pill. Abortion is a serious choice to make. For some girls, it might cause dysfunctions in having children later on in life.
          There are many ways to help. You could:
  1. Tell someone about it
  2. Donate to organizations such as Candie’s Foundation or the Brignoni Foundation (not mentioned here)
  3. Take responsibility if you are a teenager pregnant. Choose to keep the baby, give it away as the Safe Haven Law, or abort it.
  4. Do not give in to peer pressure
  5. Adopt a child
  6. Use protection at all times
  7. Do not judge others
Be careful on future teen pregnancies!

Idea+Gift=Love IGL



            Hello, this is IGL and this post is about divorce. Divorce is when two parents decide to legally separate, and to be called exes. Divorce happens every day everywhere for many reasons. It could be financial issues, abuse, or alcoholism (see previous post for more about alcoholic parents). In other words, the parents don’t agree on certain things such as disputed actions, behavior, and seldom times looks.

Children involved in the parents’ relationship may feel torn apart between them. Heartache and depression may result upon an unwanted divorce between two parents. When two parents fight, they develop feelings of hate towards each other. After that, they file for divorce and sign the papers. But who will get custody of the offspring? That matter depends in court, and a parent may keep the child, and the other may receive visitation rights. Sometimes parents can’t see the child at all.

Divorce is becoming more common every day. Even back then, during the times of kings, they would divorce their wife just to marry new wives in hopes of creating a male child instead of female ones. It is understood today that the gender of a child is determined by the mother and father’s traits, not by the ability of the mother.

Children encounter when their parents are through a divorce. Often times, the child blames him or herself for the separation. It is usually unexpected for a divorce to happen, but they inflict the emotional pain on themselves. It is NEVER a child’s fault for a divorce. It was the parents’ decision and the child has nothing to do with it. If you are a child in a divorce, it may be hard to believe, but you are never the cause of a divorce.

Divorce is a heavy weight on a person’s shoulders. Divorce Care is one example of an organization that helps people through divorce. Divorce Care is a foundation aimed towards the adult through a divorce, showing what joys and happiness can be in life. Don’t let a divorce bring you down. Besides Divorce Care, the Children 1st Foundation is aimed towards the children through a divorce, discussing the needed care for a child, such as child support, visitation arrangements, and custody.

There are many ways to help. You could:

1.     Tell someone if you are going through a divorce

2.    Tell a child that it is never their fault for their parents’ divorce

3.    If you have depression, seek therapeutic help

4.    Talk to your parents about their relationship issues.

Help the people going through divorce!

Idea+Gift=Love IGL

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Alcoholic Parents

Alcoholic Parents

          Hello, this is IGL and this post is about alcoholic parents. Many families have children with adult parents that are addicted to drinking alcohol. This may cause many family issues and problems, and tear many relationships apart. Alcohol controls the mind and body. It changes people’s moods and instead fuel aggressiveness, causing dramatic mood swings, when people have too much. This is called being drunk. Even though it leads to such bad effects, the person has to have it because they’re addicted.
          Alcohol, leading to unwanted incidents, can bring harm and emotional pain to others. Parents may argue over something small and they can eventually stop cooperation in becoming fatherly or motherly. Drunken people can physically harm children through their aggressive and nonsensical actions. Persisting alcoholism can lead to divorce, tearing the child apart. Keep in mind, this is the alcohol’s doing, not the parent’s for the most part.
          Many times, children may blame themselves for the alcoholic doings. A parent’s alcoholism is never the child’s fault. Reasons such as money and business may drive a parent to wine or beer, but the child/children are never the cause of such actions. If you are someone just as I described above, it may be hard for you to believe me, but you should never take the blame for an alcoholic parent.
         The Center on Addiction and Family is a part of the Phoenix House organized for helping families with alcoholic issues and professional information to recover. They teach these dysfunctional families on health and positive influences and strength. To spread their cause, they write articles which can be easily read on their website.
          There are many ways to help. You could:

1.     Tell someone about alcoholism in families
2.    Write an article for the newspaper or post a flyer
3.    If you are a victim of alcoholic parents, tell someone and get professional, therapeutic help
4.    Tell yourself and others that it is not their fault for an alcoholic parent
5.    Donate to the Center on Addiction and Family organization

Make a change for alcoholic parents!

Idea+Gift=Love IGL

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Help the Olive Ridley Turtle!

Help the Olive Ridley Turtle!

          Hello, this is IGL and this post is about helping the Olive Ridley Turtle. Weighing 75-100 pounds, the Olive Ridleys have an olive green color. They measure to two feet long, the smallest and most abundant of marine turtles. They maintain the health of coral reefs and sea grass beds. The nutrients of their scat pack to grass beds and reefs. They give safety to seabirds when they rise to the surface by letting them perch on its shell for a while.
          Even though the Olive Ridley is the most abundant, they are still endangered. Their status is vulnerable. Global warming is a contributing factor of their declining population. The temperatures of the nesting areas have risen. This changes the gender of the sea turtles, resulting in more females than males. The warm heat gives fewer places for them to forage for food. Pollution and coastal development always causes problems for marine turtles.
          There are many ways to support the Olive Ridleys. You could:
  1. Tell someone
  2. Start a petition
  3. Clean up beaches and don’t pollute
  4. Boycott products made from turtles
  5. Use cars less and save electricity
Help the Olive Ridley Turtle!

Idea+Gift=Love IGL

Help the Loggerhead Turtles!

Help the Loggerhead Turtles!

          Hello, this is IGL and this post is about helping the Loggerhead Turtles. The Loggerheads, or caretta caretta, is a heavy species of marine turtles. They use their strong jaws to crunch their prey, such as sea urchins and clams. In the Mediterranean, their population is abundant, and often times nest in Greece and Turkey. Their species have been on Earth since prehistoric times, about 100 million years. They play an important role in the wildlife cycle. The nutrients from their scat become sediments to the ocean floor and small microorganisms take shelter on their shell. More than 100 species of plants and animals have been found on one shell of a Loggerhead.
          These crucial fellows are disappearing though. They are critically endangered. Although they are not hunted for their meat and shell like other marine turtles, the Loggerhead is endangered because of bycatch. Bycatch is when an unwanted animal is caught in fishing nets used for seafood instead. Every year, about a thousand Loggerheads are caught in nets meant for shrimp. Coastal and human development risks their lives. When baby Loggerheads are hatched, they expect the moon’s light to guide them to the sea. However, city lights bring them the wrong way, and they die. If they don’t die, a person might take them in as a pet, which is illegal. Their nests are disturbed by human activity.
          There are many ways to help. You could:
  1. Start a petition
  2. Tell someone
  3. Clean up beaches and stop pollution
  4. If you live on the coast, turn off your lights after 10 PM.
  5. If you eat seafood everyday, take a break

Help the Loggerhead Turtles!

Idea+Gift=Love IGL

Help the Leatherback Turtles!

Help the Leatherback Turtle!

          Hello, this is IGL and this post is about helping the Leatherback Turtle. The Leatherback is a heavy turtle. They weigh about 600-1500 pounds and are up to 6 feet long, the largest of their turtle family of the ocean. Unlike other marine turtles, their shells are leather-textured, hence their name. They migrate across the oceans, Atlantic and Pacific. They are vital for the ecosystem because of their consummation of jellyfish, balancing the jellyfish population. They attract tourists, which promotes ecotourism.
          However, their population is no longer stable. They are critically endangered, and are the world’s most endangered marine turtle species. Because plastic appears like jellyfish, these turtles might accidentally swallow plastic and choke to death. They get caught in fishnets and hooks when migrating across seas. They also are losing their habitat due to human activities and development. The nesting areas are being disturbed through vehicles and activity. Tens of thousands of eggs are being collected as a hobby. In fact, in Southeast Asia, it is legal to collect their eggs and sell them. Now, the Leatherbacks are locally extinct in Indonesia.
          There are many ways to help. You could:
  1. Start a petition
  2. Tell someone or write an article for the newspaper
  3. Start cleaning up beaches, or better yet, anywhere.
  4. Boycott products made from Leatherbacks, such as eggs.
  5. Don’t disturb their homes, like nests or coral reefs.

Help the Leatherback Turtles!

Idea+Gift=Love IGL

Monday, May 26, 2014

Help the Hawksbill Turtle!

Help the Hawksbill Turtle!

          Hello, this is IGL and this post is about helping the Hawksbill Turtle. The Hawksbill Turtle is known everywhere for the beautiful pattern on their shell. They get the name from their beak, which resembles a lot like a hawk’s. They weigh 100-150 pounds and measure to be three feet long or smaller. Living in deep coral reefs and tropical waters, they feast upon sea anemones and sponges. They are vital for the coral reef systems. They eat off the coral that surfaced in the water, letting fish to feed and swim with more space. Along with other marine turtle, the Hawksbill has been present on the Earth practically 100 million years. However, they won’t be here for long.
          They are critically endangered, almost gone in the wild. One reason for their danger is illegal trading and poaching. Even though many countries prohibit the trading of their shells, people still poach them to use the shell for jewelry and decoration. Bycatch also threatens the Hawksbill, along with many other endangered animals. Pollution risks their lives, especially when the baby turtles swallow harmful trash, such as plastic.
          There are many ways for you to help. You could:
  1. Tell someone
  2. Start a petition
  3. Boycott the use of their shells
  4. Lessen your diet on seafood
  5. Help pick up trash along the beach or other ocean areas

Help the Hawksbill Turtle!
Idea+Gift=Love IGL

Help the Green Turtle!

Help the Green Turtle!

        Hello, this is IGL and this post is about helping the Green Turtle! Chelonia Mydas is a marine reptile turtle that lives in the coral reefs around the world and the Galapagos Islands. From 150-400 pounds, they measure to about 3 feet long. One of the largest marine turtles, they are herbivorous and are named not for the color of their shell, but because of their green cartilage and fat. They are found in tropical or subtropical waters of the sea, and are one of the most admired turtles in the world.
          But soon, they will no longer be on this Earth. They are endangered and their population is decreasing. Bycatch is one major cause of their risk. Bycatch is when an unwanted animal is caught in fishnets and hooks solely for the capturing of seafood. Green Turtles migrate across the ocean to nest their eggs. They are frequently caught in fishnets and gillnets for these occasions. Because of human activity, the beaches needed for their nests are being taken or damaged. Sea grass beds, the Green Turtle’s main food source, are in danger of sedimentation and pollution. Green Turtles and their eggs are being harvested for various reasons. All these contributing factors are making the Green Turtles disappear.
          But there are many way for you to help. You could:
  1. Start a petition and get people to sign it
  2. Tell someone
  3. Boycott Green Turtle eggs or other products
  4. Clean up beaches and avoid damaging their nests
  5. Abstain from seafood for a while (optional)

Help the Green Turtles!

Idea+Gift=Love IGL

Help the Galapagos Turtle!

Help the Galapagos Tortoise!

          Hello, this is IGL and this post is about helping the Galapagos Tortoise. This extraordinary animal weighs to be about 700 pounds with a length of 4 feet—the largest living tortoise in the worl. These extremely rare animals are only found in the wild in the islands of Galapagos, west of the South American country Ecuador. The naturalist Charles Darwin studied these magnificent creatures during his trip to the Galapagos Islands and today has been one of the most adored creatures of the Earth.
          However, their population is decreasing slowly. Their status is vulnerable, and the last Pinta Island Galapagos Tortoise about the age of 100 years died at the Charles Darwin Research Station. What can cause such major impact? Invasive species introduced to the islands are taking up their resources. Domestic cats and dogs sometimes prey upon the baby tortoises. Domestic cattle and other farm animals graze the grass the Galapagos Tortoises need to eat and cover for hiding their nests from predators. Whalers, merchants, and on some occasions, pirates slaughter the tortoise for its meat.
         All these are causing the Galapagos Tortoises to slowly disappear. But you can help! You could:
  1. Tell someone
  2. Write an article in the newspaper
  3. Start a petition to help them
  4. Donate to the Charles Darwin Research Center and other organizations.
  5. Boycott the Galapagos Tortoise meat.

Help the Galapagos Tortoise!

Idea+Gift=Love IGL

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Help the Dwarf Chameleon!

Help the Dwarf Chameleon!

          Hello, this is IGL and this post is about helping the endangered dwarf chameleon. Brookesia exarmata is the scientific name for the dwarf chameleon, the world’s smallest reptile. Like many other chameleon species, the dwarf chameleon can blend into its background with its adaptation of camouflage. Its beige-brown skin color hides it well in the background of leaves. These animals are from West Madagascar, taking a habitat close to the ground in vegetation.
          Because its only region is that area in Madagascar, they are endangered. The main reason for their declining population is the removal of their habitat. Their participation in the exotic pet trade also gives them a threat. Many people don’t know how to care for wild animals, and most certainly would not know how to care for a dwarf chameleon.
          There are many ways to help. You could:
  1. Spread the word
  2. Start a petition
  3. Prevent the buying and selling of dwarf chameleons in the exotic pet trade
  4. Although extremely rare, you may find dwarf chameleons in your backyard. If so, it is best to contact an animal service and notify them.

Help the dwarf chameleons!
Idea+Gift=Love IGL