
Monday, May 26, 2014

Help the Green Turtle!

Help the Green Turtle!

        Hello, this is IGL and this post is about helping the Green Turtle! Chelonia Mydas is a marine reptile turtle that lives in the coral reefs around the world and the Galapagos Islands. From 150-400 pounds, they measure to about 3 feet long. One of the largest marine turtles, they are herbivorous and are named not for the color of their shell, but because of their green cartilage and fat. They are found in tropical or subtropical waters of the sea, and are one of the most admired turtles in the world.
          But soon, they will no longer be on this Earth. They are endangered and their population is decreasing. Bycatch is one major cause of their risk. Bycatch is when an unwanted animal is caught in fishnets and hooks solely for the capturing of seafood. Green Turtles migrate across the ocean to nest their eggs. They are frequently caught in fishnets and gillnets for these occasions. Because of human activity, the beaches needed for their nests are being taken or damaged. Sea grass beds, the Green Turtle’s main food source, are in danger of sedimentation and pollution. Green Turtles and their eggs are being harvested for various reasons. All these contributing factors are making the Green Turtles disappear.
          But there are many way for you to help. You could:
  1. Start a petition and get people to sign it
  2. Tell someone
  3. Boycott Green Turtle eggs or other products
  4. Clean up beaches and avoid damaging their nests
  5. Abstain from seafood for a while (optional)

Help the Green Turtles!

Idea+Gift=Love IGL

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