
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Help the Olive Ridley Turtle!

Help the Olive Ridley Turtle!

          Hello, this is IGL and this post is about helping the Olive Ridley Turtle. Weighing 75-100 pounds, the Olive Ridleys have an olive green color. They measure to two feet long, the smallest and most abundant of marine turtles. They maintain the health of coral reefs and sea grass beds. The nutrients of their scat pack to grass beds and reefs. They give safety to seabirds when they rise to the surface by letting them perch on its shell for a while.
          Even though the Olive Ridley is the most abundant, they are still endangered. Their status is vulnerable. Global warming is a contributing factor of their declining population. The temperatures of the nesting areas have risen. This changes the gender of the sea turtles, resulting in more females than males. The warm heat gives fewer places for them to forage for food. Pollution and coastal development always causes problems for marine turtles.
          There are many ways to support the Olive Ridleys. You could:
  1. Tell someone
  2. Start a petition
  3. Clean up beaches and don’t pollute
  4. Boycott products made from turtles
  5. Use cars less and save electricity
Help the Olive Ridley Turtle!

Idea+Gift=Love IGL

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