
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Help the Leatherback Turtles!

Help the Leatherback Turtle!

          Hello, this is IGL and this post is about helping the Leatherback Turtle. The Leatherback is a heavy turtle. They weigh about 600-1500 pounds and are up to 6 feet long, the largest of their turtle family of the ocean. Unlike other marine turtles, their shells are leather-textured, hence their name. They migrate across the oceans, Atlantic and Pacific. They are vital for the ecosystem because of their consummation of jellyfish, balancing the jellyfish population. They attract tourists, which promotes ecotourism.
          However, their population is no longer stable. They are critically endangered, and are the world’s most endangered marine turtle species. Because plastic appears like jellyfish, these turtles might accidentally swallow plastic and choke to death. They get caught in fishnets and hooks when migrating across seas. They also are losing their habitat due to human activities and development. The nesting areas are being disturbed through vehicles and activity. Tens of thousands of eggs are being collected as a hobby. In fact, in Southeast Asia, it is legal to collect their eggs and sell them. Now, the Leatherbacks are locally extinct in Indonesia.
          There are many ways to help. You could:
  1. Start a petition
  2. Tell someone or write an article for the newspaper
  3. Start cleaning up beaches, or better yet, anywhere.
  4. Boycott products made from Leatherbacks, such as eggs.
  5. Don’t disturb their homes, like nests or coral reefs.

Help the Leatherback Turtles!

Idea+Gift=Love IGL

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