
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Alcoholic Parents

Alcoholic Parents

          Hello, this is IGL and this post is about alcoholic parents. Many families have children with adult parents that are addicted to drinking alcohol. This may cause many family issues and problems, and tear many relationships apart. Alcohol controls the mind and body. It changes people’s moods and instead fuel aggressiveness, causing dramatic mood swings, when people have too much. This is called being drunk. Even though it leads to such bad effects, the person has to have it because they’re addicted.
          Alcohol, leading to unwanted incidents, can bring harm and emotional pain to others. Parents may argue over something small and they can eventually stop cooperation in becoming fatherly or motherly. Drunken people can physically harm children through their aggressive and nonsensical actions. Persisting alcoholism can lead to divorce, tearing the child apart. Keep in mind, this is the alcohol’s doing, not the parent’s for the most part.
          Many times, children may blame themselves for the alcoholic doings. A parent’s alcoholism is never the child’s fault. Reasons such as money and business may drive a parent to wine or beer, but the child/children are never the cause of such actions. If you are someone just as I described above, it may be hard for you to believe me, but you should never take the blame for an alcoholic parent.
         The Center on Addiction and Family is a part of the Phoenix House organized for helping families with alcoholic issues and professional information to recover. They teach these dysfunctional families on health and positive influences and strength. To spread their cause, they write articles which can be easily read on their website.
          There are many ways to help. You could:

1.     Tell someone about alcoholism in families
2.    Write an article for the newspaper or post a flyer
3.    If you are a victim of alcoholic parents, tell someone and get professional, therapeutic help
4.    Tell yourself and others that it is not their fault for an alcoholic parent
5.    Donate to the Center on Addiction and Family organization

Make a change for alcoholic parents!

Idea+Gift=Love IGL

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