
Wednesday, February 27, 2013


          Hello, this is IGL and our topic is Cancer. Cancer is a deadly disease when abnormal cells grow uncontrollably and constantly. Cancer never is a joke; it’s horrifying and heart-breaking when you could lose someone you love or care about. There are many different types of cancer, some with a cure and some you just have to live and die with.
          Once upon a time, there was a member in IGL named Kristine. Kristine’s grandmother smoked a lot. Cigarettes were not something healthy for you. One day, her doctor told her she had a cancer disease. Thankfully, the cancer was minor and had an easy cure. But, if Kristine’s grandmother got lung cancer, she’s a goner. So after that visit to the doctor’s, Kristine’s grandmother threw away all her cigarettes.
          Many people die of cancer. Even though the population of people dying of cancer has decreased, a great amount of people die from it. Doctors work hard for these people. Remember, not everyone’s as lucky.
          Since there aren’t a lot of cures for cancer, many people panic of getting it in the future. But there is a way. To prevent cancer:
  1.    Eat healthily
  2.    Exercise
  3.   Avoid harmful activities (ex :drugs and smoking)
People in the hospital with cancer really need help.A foundation called Stand Up To Cancer funds research labs on cancer. Donate to Stand Up to Cancer Even though only doctors could cure cancer, you could still help. You could:
  1. 1.       Cheer them up at the hospital
  2. 2.     Support them
  3. 3.     And show you care 
  4.      Donate to Stand Up to Cancer
Even though cancer is a big battle, you could still help!


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