
Sunday, February 24, 2013

IGL's Introduction

IGL’s Introduction

          Hello, this is IGL. Before we post anything about our projects, this is our introduction.
          Once upon a time, there was a girl. Let’s call her Sanjana. Sanjana had two best friends: Cristina and Victori. They all lived in the bay area of California. Sanjana told Cristina about the crisis in the Indian children in the slums. Cristina and Sanjana agreed to make a lemonade stand for charity.
          Apparently, it didn’t work out. Cristina’s grandmother was babysitting Cristina’s cousin’s dog. And Sanjana loved dogs. They agreed to sell lemonade at Cristina’s Grandmother’s local park in Cupertino. Sanjana begged Cristina to bring the dog with them to the lemonade stand. So two girls with a grandmother and a dog were walking, carrying and dragging a small table and a chair. At the end of the day in the hot summer Sun, they earned…(drum roll) $3.50! It wasn’t a lot, and after that, they stopped with the lemonade stand.
          About half a year later, Sanjana reported to Cristina and Victori about the Indian children again. Of course, after the loss of enthusiasm in the first sell, Cristina and her mother were not so sure about it. But they were determined. At lunch in school, they discussed and Cristina thought of the club’s name—IGL. It was a beautiful name. It stood for Idea Gift Love. It soon changed to Idea+Gift=Love.
          They were always planning a lemonade stand, but they all forgot about it soon. Then one day, in the second semester of school, the core teacher, Mrs. Lim, decided for the class to write an autobiography. Cristina and Sanjana were in the same class and they sat next to each other. When Sanjana was writing about what she would be when she grew up, she decided to be an activist for charity. Telling Cristina the plan, their power and love for the IGL club raged up and was set afire again.
          In the library, Victori, Sanjana, and Cristina made a website on Weebly. It wasn’t exactly a hit at first, but it was good enough. They all worked hard every day on the weebly website.
They decided to make a second lemonade stand. Sanjana couldn’t go, but Victori and Cristina along with Cristina’s cousin decided to attend. Cristina had lemonade with the stand and chair and Victori brought tropical fruit juice and chocolate cupcakes. But there were things that didn’t work out well. First, it was on the same day as the Superbowl so nobody came except for some children that wanted to go to the park or some old people walking around, not knowing who the heck the Giants are. And the cupcakes looked awful! Apparently, Victori poured too much batter in each paper wrapper, so it looked like they were obese clumps of poop. But they were delicious. The day ended well with about $12.
Now, IGL has a facebook, Gmail, weebly, twitter, YouTube channel, Google+, and a Blogger. Every member of IGL worked VERY hard on this club. We will never forget the day IGL was created.

-Idea+Gift=Love IGL

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