
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Stop Animal fighting

Animal Fighting

          Hello, this is IGL and this project is about animal fighting. There are many types of animal fighting, even some most people have never heard of. Sometimes animals are fought to the death and these games are considered “entertaining” to some people.

          Dog fighting: Dog fighting is when two dogs are brought together and trained to fight the opponent. The losing dog is usually left dead, but even the winning dog could die because of its harsh injuries. The owners bet each other to see which dog will win. And people come to watch two dogs tear each other’s limbs off to survive. Dog fighting is illegal in some places, but is still common in most areas like Pakistan, China, South Africa, Japan and Russia.

          Hog-Dog fighting: Hog-Dog fighting is the blood sport of when a hog is held captive by a rope and a pole. Dogs are released to torment the animal and kill it. Even the dogs could be hurt by the tusks of the hog. It is most common in the rural south of the USA. Hog-Dog fighting is still present.

          Cockfighting: Cockfighting is a game when two roosters are held together to fight and peck each to the death, like dogfighting but with roosters. After a game, the owner of the rooster throws it away like trash after the bet. Cockfighting is still present in Cuba, Peru, Southern India, Pakistan, Iraq, and Japan.

          Fox penning: Fox penning is the sport when foxes and coyotes are trapped in a fence with no escape. Dogs trained to kill these animals are released and have to try to kill these animals. Foxes are sold to fox operators. They trap them and haul them in cages. Sometimes, foxes and coyotes die on the trip there. The owners bet on their dogs to kill the foxes.

          Bear Baiting: Bear baiting is the game when a bear is trapped by a pole and a rope. Their teeth are flattened and their claws are cut. Dogs are released to kill the bear. The bear has no self-defense weapons to protect itself. The bear is killed to the death. It is allowed in South Carolina.

          As you can see, there are many more blood sports. But these are just a few examples of animal cruelty. But how could you help stop animal fighting? You could:

1.     Spread the word. Tell everyone the truth about animal fighting. You could also write a letter to the newspaper or put up flyers.

2.    Tell the people in charge. You could write a letter to the state’s government or your country’s political leader.

3.    Help the animals yourself. There are many retired animals from animal fighting. You could adopt one if you like or bring it to the animal shelter.

There are many simple options you could do. Stop animal fighting and help the animals.

-Idea+Gift=Love IGL

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