
Sunday, February 24, 2013

Stop Poverty in India!

Stop Poverty in India!
          Hello, this is IGL. Our new topic is to stop poverty in India. Here’s a mini story to it.
          Once upon a time, one of our members, Sanjana, went to her home country India. She went to the slums of India to see the people. Sadly, children and people were all suffering. They lived in small shacks tidied together. She saw a girl and a baby drinking yellow and contaminated water out of a pipe. She also saw a boy working at the motel her age not going to school and getting the education he needed. The water system was dirty and had trash in it.
          The children beg for food and work nonstop. But you could give them some hope and happiness.
          You could help these poor people and give them some hope by:
  1. You could donate some money
  2. You could adopt and Indian orphan
  3. Or you could go to India physically and help them with their labor!
Stop poverty in India!


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