
Sunday, February 24, 2013

Help the stray cats!

Help the Stray Cats!

          Hello, this is IGL. We are here for our first project! This post could have been here longer before, but we had trouble with our blogger.
          So, this post is about helping the stray cats. Many stray cats are lost everywhere on this planet. They have no home and no trust to have. They're like hobos but smaller, more vulnerable, and no communicating interaction towards humans. And this post has a story that goes with.
          Once upon a time, three little kittens were abandoned by their mother. They came up on the doorstep of one of our member’s (Cristina) cousins. Cristina’s cousins found two grey kittens and one white kitten. They brought the white kitten in since the other two didn’t run inside. They fed them cat food and watered them every night outside.
          Soon, they adopted the white kitten. Her name was Ashley. The other two were Tina and Charlie. They loved each and every cat very much. One day, they decided to capture Tina and Charlie to bring to the humane society for TNR.
          TNR is a program for helping cats get neutered or spayed. People capture stray cats and bring it to the animal shelter for TNR. They neuter or spay them and clip one of their ear’s tips to indicate that they were brought for TNR. They release the cat back to where they were found since relocation is a dangerous act for wild or stray animals.
          Cristina’s cousins helped save a life, in fact, saved three lives. They adopted a stray cat, and brought two for TNR. YOU could save a life. If you find a stray cat, you could
  1. Adopt the feral cat
  2. Find some trusting and caring owners
  3. Bring it to the humane society for either TNR or to bring it to the shelter.
Remember, every life counts.
Help the stray cats!


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