
Monday, November 25, 2013

Help the Atlantic Cod!

Help the Atlantic Cod!

         Hello, this is IGL and this post is about helping the Atlantic Cod. The Atlantic Cod was once an abundant species of fish. The Atlantic Cod has a tannish-gold color with yellow fins that shine in the water. There long, slender body could easily be seen in the high waters because of their beautiful glinting color. This fish was traded and sold widely in markets, even the colonial times during the seventeenth century. The fish was so plentiful the people back then didn’t bother of conserving the Atlantic cod.

          However, the present day has a lack of Atlantic cods in the world. The Atlantic cod is currently endangered and scientists believe that they will soon be extinct. Organizations helping this species of fish agreed to make an Atlantic cod fish watch, which means that fishermen can make sure they aren’t fishing too much of them. People are working to keep the Atlantic cod thriving so they will be soon hunted as food once more, but not too much to endanger them again. 

          There are many ways to help the Atlantic cod. You could:

1.     Limit eating so much Atlantic cod if you already.

2.    Try eating a different species of fish that is more abundant in the oceans.

3.    Donate to organizations that help this fish, such as NOAA.

4.    Spread the word about the Atlantic cod.

5.    Boycott foods with the Atlantic cod.

6.    Start a petition and get people to sign it.

Help the Atlantic cod!

Idea+Gift=Love IGL

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Help the Grey-Crowned Crane!

Help the Grey-Crowned Crane

          Hello, this is IGL and this post is about the Grey-Crowned Crane. The Grey-Crowned is a bird found in the African countries of Kenya, Uganda, and Congo. They have long black legs and their body has gray, black, white, and a golden yellow. It leads to a slender neck with what looks like a red gobble. They have a white cheek and a sharp black beak. But their appearance is most notable with their “crown”. Like a plume on a helmet, it fancies a yellow glitter and a majestic crown-like top. The Grey-Crowned Crane enjoys eating seeds, the tips of grasses, groundnuts, soybeans, and other various types of plants. They also enjoy tiny vertebrates and bugs. They can be heard by their loud honking sounds they make.
          The Grey-Crowned Crane is currently endangered because of human development. They are sometimes captured and traded in illegal process and habitat loss contributes to their declining population. These cranes are also indirectly poisoned by chemicals. Also, the wetlands that these birds live on are lost because of overused pesticides, drainage, too much livestock, and power line collisions.
          There are many way to help these beautiful birds. You could:
  1. Spread the word and tell people
  2. Start a petition and get people to sign them.
  3. Donate to the International Crane Foundation to help them.

Help the Grey-Crowned Crane!
Idea+Gift=Love IGL

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Help the Spix's Macaw!

Help the Spix’s Macaw

          Hello, this is IGL and this post is about helping the Spix’s Macaw. This specific bird is beautiful with blue colored feathers, soon descending into white the higher the body gets. Their small silver-colored head has a sharp, black beak. They live in the Northern woodlands in Brazil. They live to about twenty-thirty years in the wild and forty years in captivity. Their main diet is based on seeds, which takes 95% of their food. The Spix’s Macaw is not very talked much and no so popular like the panda or the cheetah. But they are still important to the ecosystem and would be a great loss if this bird goes extinct.

          It is thought to be extinct in the wild by scientists, studies show that small areas where the land has not been surveyed may contain the habitats of a few remaining Spix’s Macaws. Right now, since there is a possibility that there is a scarce population of these birds, it is now stated critically endangered (or possibly extinct in the wild). The cause of their near extinction is because of habitat loss. Also, people are keeping these animals as exotic pets and are still to this day sold in the black market.

          There are ways to help the Spix’s Macaw. You could:

1.     Tell people about them. Not a lot of people know about this species of bird.

2.    Start a petition and get people to sign it.

3.    Boycott the black market.

4.    Donate to charities that help this species of bird.

Help the Spix’s Macaw!

-Idea+Gift=Love IGL

Friday, November 15, 2013

Help the Golden-Cheeked Warbler!

Help the Golden-Cheeked Warbler
          The golden-cheeked warbler is a species of bird with the scientific name Dendroica Chrysoparia. This bird is a small size and has a gray and black body with a golden-yellow cheek. They inhabit Texas but migrate south to Mexico and Central America during winter to feed on insects and spiders found in the bark of the trees in the habitat. Particularly to farmers, the golden-cheeked warbler is important to them because they feed on insects and improve the ecosystem.
          Thanks to habitat loss, the golden-cheeked warbler is currently endangered. The trees they need to nest in are cut down for human development. Other warbler habitats are flooded by man-made lakes and cut down for flat land for livestock. Global warming also takes a toll in the participation of their endangerment. The irregularly warm climate confuses them about their migration patterns, which causes them to lay their eggs too early, risking life for the warbler chicks.
          There are many ways to help this bird. You could:
  1. Spread the word.
  2. Start a petition and get people to sign it.
  3. Try to stop causing so much greenhouse gases. Don't use cars as much or consume electricity so much.
  4. Plant more trees to prevent so much carbon dioxide (greenhouse gas)
  5. Donate!

Help the golden-cheeked warbler!

-Idea+Gift=Love IGL

Help the Poison Dart Frog!

Help the Poison Dart Frog!
          Hello, this is IGL and this post is about helping the poison dart frog. The poison dart frog is an animal in the amphibian group. This extraordinary creature lives in the rainforests of South and Central America. They live on the forest level of rainforests but breed in the trees. Their outer skin has two different colors. They can range from many different colors. For example, the red and black poison dart frog is called a strawberry poison dart frog. The color warns their predators of the high amount of poison they carry. They four toes have suction cups, which are used to cling onto plants in the habitat that they live in.
          Poison dart frogs are threatened and are soon going to be endangered. These delicate frogs are used as exotic pets and because of habitat loss, they are losing their homes. These poor animals must have a chance at survival in this world.
          There are ways to help the poison dart frog. You could:
  1. Spread the word
  2. Start a petition and get people to sign it.
  3. Donate to organizations that help animals. Example: SOS (save our species)
  4. Adopt (actual frog not included) a tree frog at

Help save the poison dart frog!

-Idea+Gift=Love IGL

Monday, November 11, 2013

Stop air pollution!

Stop Air Pollution!
          Hello, this is IGL and this post is about air pollution. Air is the thing that people need in order to live. When we breathe it in, it goes into our body. But what if in the atmosphere there’s something that is harmful to our bodies and our personal health. The air has currently many pollutants that cause health defects. All this is because of man-made products and fossil fuels.
          Unwanted pollutants are released into the air. Sometimes, it is by natural causes, like volcanoes, but this is usually the least of our problems. Factories and automobiles are mostly the cause of this. Factories give off chemicals that combine with the oxygen and sometimes combine with clouds to make contaminated rain. Even at times, contaminants form together fog, which causes smog, a type of air pollution. Cars also use fossil fuels, and after they burn it off, it causes danger in the atmosphere. Other causes of air pollution are hair sprays and pesticides, paint, ettica.
          There are six main pollutants. Ground level ozone is formed by a chemical reaction between nitrogen oxide and organic compounds in the sunlight. Carbon monoxide is fuel combustion from cars. Lead is formed by metal refineries, battery manufacturing, and waste burners. Sulfur dioxide is fuel usage from high-sulfur coal, electric utilities, and sometimes volcanoes. Nitrogen dioxide is formed from burning wood and fuel combustion. Particulate matter is chemical reactions, fuel combustion, and unpaved roads. All these pollutants can cause health problems including asthma, lungs diseases, brain problems, nervous system, and cardiovascular issues.
          Air pollution affects many things in the planet. When pollutants are released, they join with clouds to form acid rain. The rain falls on vegetation, harming animals and plants. The rain also goes into aquatic areas, affecting marine life and drinking water. In addition, it adds up to global warming, which is a serious case of climate change.
          There are many ways to help stop air pollution. You could:
  1. Use electricity wisely.
  2. Try to use green energy, like solar power or wind energy.
  3. Try not to use so much vehicle energy and try walking or biking for a change.
  4. Spread the word.
  5. Recycle and reuse.

Help stop air pollution!

-Idea+Gift=Love IGL

Stop Women Abuse!

Stop Women Abuse!
          Hello, this is IGL and this post is about women abuse. Around the world, abuse has happened to everybody before. We all know that women have a more likely chance to getting abused my others because of their weakness. In many cases, women are violated sexually or physically against their will.
          We all most likely know what rape is. Rape is when a person is forced to have sex with another person against their will. Usually, it happens to females but it could also happen to boys (usually when they are children). The rapist can be a male or a female, even though a homosexual rape towards women is very rare. states that most rape victims are under the age of thirty and that only 3% percent of rapists are put in jail for their crime. That is an outrageous percentage. Rape is something that nobody should have to go through. Consequences of rape include a high risk of substance abuse, such as alcohol or drugs to take away depression of the past event. You could also receive an STD and/or become pregnant. Victims may also become traumatized and gets insomnia or trouble sleeping. Worse of all, victims may resort to suicide. Whatever you do, prevent a person from suicide or prevent yourself from suicide. If you get raped, call the police immediately and call a sexual assault hotline as quick as possible. If you know someone else who has been raped, do not be judgmental and recommend a sexual assault hotline.
          To avoid rape, follow these steps.
  • ·         Be aware of your location and the people around you.
  • ·         Avoid places with few or no people at all.
  • ·         Be confident when you walk, even if you don’t know where you’re going.
  • ·         Trust your instincts.
  • ·         Bring a phone and some money to go home for.
  • ·         Go with a trusted person.
  • ·         Avoid listening to music with headphones to block out sounds.
Also, tell your child at the comfortable age so they are aware of rape and sexual assault.
          RAINN (Rape Abuse Incest National Network) is an organization that helps people that have been sexually assaulted and spreading awareness. RAINN specializes in many things, including providing the national hotline and statistics. However, they succeeded by donations from generous people. Donate at this site:
          Domestic violence is when a partner in a relationship abuses the other partner physically, sexually, or emotionally. Usually it is when the male abuses the female, but in some cases the wife/girlfriend is the one putting it on. Domestic violence affects the health of the partner, causing broken trust. If a partner is forcing you to have sex or forcing you to get pregnant, it is best to consult with a doctor secretly to get birth control methods without him knowing. To leave an abusive relationship, always seek shelter and bring a phone with you. Don’t make it obvious that you need help and don’t go anywhere alone. Keep your privacy and don’t share anything out loud to someone or online.
          To keep safe from domestic violence or an abusive person, follow these steps.
  • ·         Meet in public
  • ·         Tell someone, like a friend or parent, where you’re going and who your date is
  • ·         Avoid parties that have alcohol
  • ·         Have a reliable source of transportation
  • ·         Bring a phone

If you’re going to a place with alcohol, follow these steps.
  • ·         Don’t take drinks from anyone but yourself
  • ·         Have your drink besides you at all times
  • ·         Don’t drink from punch bowls or public drinks
  • ·         If you didn’t pay attention to your drink, throw it away immediately
  • ·         Don’t drink too much

Signs of an abusive relationship:
  • ·         Always stalking you and wanting to know where you are at all times
  • ·         Trying to take things fast
  • ·         Major jealousy and pushiness
  • ·         Suggesting to do sexual activities often
  • ·         Putting inappropriate pictures of you online without your permission
  • ·         Threatening you if you break up with him
  • ·         Blaming you on the harm he gives you

Human trafficking is when someone is taken into a profession they are fooled into, usually something sexually but could also result in forced labor. It usually happens to women. They could be tricked into a job, but is actually taken into a human trafficking ring. They are usually resulted in sexual labor or forced prostitution in most cases. If you see a victim of human trafficking, call the police and they will take care of it.
There are many ways to help stop women abuse. You could:
1.       Spread awareness of all types of women abuse.
2.     Start a petition and get people to sign it.
3. Donate to organizations that specialize in this, such as the Human Trafficking 
4.     Befriend people that have been abused by others.
Together we can make a difference!

-Idea+Gift=Love IGL

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Stop Child Abuse

Stop Child Abuse

          Hello, this is IGL and this post is about child abuse. Child abuse has been a major conflict in the world for many years. It is when a child is abused physically or emotionally under the age of eighteen by an adult. It hurts the child and breaks trust from the child to others, maybe causing social disabilities in the future. Child abuse doesn’t tend to happen in a certain place. It could happen in any place, economy, race, or population. No matter how much you apologize to that victim, it will never be the same. For example, take a piece of paper and crumple it as hard as you can, no matter what. Then apologize to it and smoothen it out thoroughly. Now observe. The paper will never be the same, just like a child.
          Physical abuse is when a guardian/parent abuses the child with contact of their body. This includes hitting, kicking, punching, slapping, whipping, and more. Many parents believe physical abuse as a discipline is the best way to teach a child how to behave. However, if continued on, the child will live in fear instead of understanding the meaning of the “lecture”. Some parents instead physically abuse their child out of anger or some unimportant reason.
          Emotional abuse is somewhat like bullying, but between a parent and a child. Putting down a child is not okay, and certainly will break trust between a parent and the child may dislike the adult. Limited affection and screaming/threatening will hurt a child’s feelings.
          Child neglect is when a guardian/parent takes care of a child but does not meet their needs. Failing to give the child food, shelter, clothing, education, or hygiene is child neglect. If an incapable mother has a baby that she cannot take care of, she should resort to giving it up for adoption (safe haven law). Substance abuse or unstable ability is also counted as child neglect. A safe environment is always needed for a child.
          Child sexual abuse is when a child has come into contact with an adult sexually. Usually, it is a person the child knows, like a parent. Both boys and girls can be victims, but males don’t usually report it because they have a feeling to be brave and fearless. Never think that a child is joking about sexual abuse and call the police.
          There are many signs that a child is being abused. For physical abuse, unusual injuries, intense all the time, uneasy when people lightly touch them, or wearing irregular clothing (like long pants on a hot day). For emotional abuse, low self-esteem, extremely demanding or aggressive, irregular behavior, or a detachment between a child and a parent are signs of emotional abuse. For child neglect, inappropriate clothing for the weather, untreated illnesses, incomplete cleanliness, or constant tardy are usual signs. For child sexual abuse, knowledge of sexual behavior, trouble walking or sitting, doesn’t want to participate in activities, avoiding a specific person, receiving an STD or getting pregnant before the age of 13, and running away from home are constant signs of child sexual abuse.
          Drug and alcohol abuse, witnessing domestic violence, lack of support and parenting skills, and if a parent has an untreated mental illness all are risk factors to child abuse. If you know something about a child being abused call the police.
          There are many ways to stop child abuse. You could:
  1. Start a petition and get people to sign it.
  2. Spread awareness.
  3. If you currently are abusing a child, stop!
  4. Donate to organizations that help stop child abuse.

-Stop child abuse!

-Idea+Gift=Love IGL

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Help the Amur Leopard!

Help the Amur Leopard!

Hello, this is IGL and this post is about the Amur Leopard. The Amur Leopard is not well-known around the world, but is still important to the world’s ecosystem. They are found in Far East Russia, and can do amazing talents, like jumping high and running fast. They live in the temperate forests and weight about 70-100 pounds.
Unfortunately, the Amur Leopard is critically endangered. That means that pretty soon in the near future, the Amur Leopard will be extinct in the wild. This subspecies of leopard benefits the ecosystem in many weights. They prey mainly on deer, which is good because the deer population wouldn’t increase too much, crowding the habitat and preventing other species of plants and animals to live there. The Amur Leopard is poached for their beautiful coat of spots and suaveness. Also, habitat loss causes the leopards to lose a home. Their population is declining quickly, and needs our help. And without food, they would target livestock, provoking farmers to shoot them.
How can you help? You could:
1.      Donate. The WWF helps the Amur Leopard.
2.      Start a petition. Get people to sign it.
3.      Boycott Amur Leopard products. The leopard’s bones are used as Chinese medicine and their furs are used as unnecessarily over-achieving fashion.

Help the Amur Leopard!

-Idea+Gift=Love IGL

Help the African Wild Dog!

Help the African Wild Dog!

The African wild dog. Seems pretty self explanatory to me: a wild dog residing in the regions of Africa
Lycoan pictus, or the African wild dog, doesn't completely resemble dogs, even though its name seems to associate it with canines. In fact, the differences among regular, ordinary dogs and the African wild dog even span across physical appearances. One of the most important physical differences is that while normal dogs have five toes on each foot, the African wild dog only has four on each. Strange, but true.
In a way, somebody might argue that the African wild dog is more similar to the wolf rather than the dog. These reasons would most likely be based on the African wild dog's social structure. Just like wolves, African wild dogs travel in packs led by a pair of "leaders" from among the tight knit group. The pack will hunt antelope and other wild beasts, even sometimes livestock, together. To be successful in keeping away from danger and gaining food in order to survive, these wild dogs will communicate through touching, their movements, and sound.
The African wild dogs use to hunt in larger groups, but because much of their species has been slipping away off the face of Earth, they are decreasing in pack size. Much of this is due to habitat loss. Yet, they are also killed by farmers, who are scared that the dogs will feed on their livestock. One other factor to their disappearance is their chance of receiving diseases from domestic animals. 

Instead of just standing there and allowing the last of the African wild dogs to dwindle down into nothing, we can all participate in the preservation of these unique creatures. You can donate to the African Wildlife Foundation. Your donation will spread awareness of the African wild dog's status in the wild and promote the solving of conflicts between humans and African wild dogs. With your aid, we can all benefit the African wild dog and allow it to strive for many forthcoming generations!

-Idea+Gift=Love IGL