
Friday, November 15, 2013

Help the Golden-Cheeked Warbler!

Help the Golden-Cheeked Warbler
          The golden-cheeked warbler is a species of bird with the scientific name Dendroica Chrysoparia. This bird is a small size and has a gray and black body with a golden-yellow cheek. They inhabit Texas but migrate south to Mexico and Central America during winter to feed on insects and spiders found in the bark of the trees in the habitat. Particularly to farmers, the golden-cheeked warbler is important to them because they feed on insects and improve the ecosystem.
          Thanks to habitat loss, the golden-cheeked warbler is currently endangered. The trees they need to nest in are cut down for human development. Other warbler habitats are flooded by man-made lakes and cut down for flat land for livestock. Global warming also takes a toll in the participation of their endangerment. The irregularly warm climate confuses them about their migration patterns, which causes them to lay their eggs too early, risking life for the warbler chicks.
          There are many ways to help this bird. You could:
  1. Spread the word.
  2. Start a petition and get people to sign it.
  3. Try to stop causing so much greenhouse gases. Don't use cars as much or consume electricity so much.
  4. Plant more trees to prevent so much carbon dioxide (greenhouse gas)
  5. Donate!

Help the golden-cheeked warbler!

-Idea+Gift=Love IGL

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