
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Help the Spix's Macaw!

Help the Spix’s Macaw

          Hello, this is IGL and this post is about helping the Spix’s Macaw. This specific bird is beautiful with blue colored feathers, soon descending into white the higher the body gets. Their small silver-colored head has a sharp, black beak. They live in the Northern woodlands in Brazil. They live to about twenty-thirty years in the wild and forty years in captivity. Their main diet is based on seeds, which takes 95% of their food. The Spix’s Macaw is not very talked much and no so popular like the panda or the cheetah. But they are still important to the ecosystem and would be a great loss if this bird goes extinct.

          It is thought to be extinct in the wild by scientists, studies show that small areas where the land has not been surveyed may contain the habitats of a few remaining Spix’s Macaws. Right now, since there is a possibility that there is a scarce population of these birds, it is now stated critically endangered (or possibly extinct in the wild). The cause of their near extinction is because of habitat loss. Also, people are keeping these animals as exotic pets and are still to this day sold in the black market.

          There are ways to help the Spix’s Macaw. You could:

1.     Tell people about them. Not a lot of people know about this species of bird.

2.    Start a petition and get people to sign it.

3.    Boycott the black market.

4.    Donate to charities that help this species of bird.

Help the Spix’s Macaw!

-Idea+Gift=Love IGL

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