
Monday, November 25, 2013

Help the Atlantic Cod!

Help the Atlantic Cod!

         Hello, this is IGL and this post is about helping the Atlantic Cod. The Atlantic Cod was once an abundant species of fish. The Atlantic Cod has a tannish-gold color with yellow fins that shine in the water. There long, slender body could easily be seen in the high waters because of their beautiful glinting color. This fish was traded and sold widely in markets, even the colonial times during the seventeenth century. The fish was so plentiful the people back then didn’t bother of conserving the Atlantic cod.

          However, the present day has a lack of Atlantic cods in the world. The Atlantic cod is currently endangered and scientists believe that they will soon be extinct. Organizations helping this species of fish agreed to make an Atlantic cod fish watch, which means that fishermen can make sure they aren’t fishing too much of them. People are working to keep the Atlantic cod thriving so they will be soon hunted as food once more, but not too much to endanger them again. 

          There are many ways to help the Atlantic cod. You could:

1.     Limit eating so much Atlantic cod if you already.

2.    Try eating a different species of fish that is more abundant in the oceans.

3.    Donate to organizations that help this fish, such as NOAA.

4.    Spread the word about the Atlantic cod.

5.    Boycott foods with the Atlantic cod.

6.    Start a petition and get people to sign it.

Help the Atlantic cod!

Idea+Gift=Love IGL

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