
Monday, November 11, 2013

Stop Women Abuse!

Stop Women Abuse!
          Hello, this is IGL and this post is about women abuse. Around the world, abuse has happened to everybody before. We all know that women have a more likely chance to getting abused my others because of their weakness. In many cases, women are violated sexually or physically against their will.
          We all most likely know what rape is. Rape is when a person is forced to have sex with another person against their will. Usually, it happens to females but it could also happen to boys (usually when they are children). The rapist can be a male or a female, even though a homosexual rape towards women is very rare. states that most rape victims are under the age of thirty and that only 3% percent of rapists are put in jail for their crime. That is an outrageous percentage. Rape is something that nobody should have to go through. Consequences of rape include a high risk of substance abuse, such as alcohol or drugs to take away depression of the past event. You could also receive an STD and/or become pregnant. Victims may also become traumatized and gets insomnia or trouble sleeping. Worse of all, victims may resort to suicide. Whatever you do, prevent a person from suicide or prevent yourself from suicide. If you get raped, call the police immediately and call a sexual assault hotline as quick as possible. If you know someone else who has been raped, do not be judgmental and recommend a sexual assault hotline.
          To avoid rape, follow these steps.
  • ·         Be aware of your location and the people around you.
  • ·         Avoid places with few or no people at all.
  • ·         Be confident when you walk, even if you don’t know where you’re going.
  • ·         Trust your instincts.
  • ·         Bring a phone and some money to go home for.
  • ·         Go with a trusted person.
  • ·         Avoid listening to music with headphones to block out sounds.
Also, tell your child at the comfortable age so they are aware of rape and sexual assault.
          RAINN (Rape Abuse Incest National Network) is an organization that helps people that have been sexually assaulted and spreading awareness. RAINN specializes in many things, including providing the national hotline and statistics. However, they succeeded by donations from generous people. Donate at this site:
          Domestic violence is when a partner in a relationship abuses the other partner physically, sexually, or emotionally. Usually it is when the male abuses the female, but in some cases the wife/girlfriend is the one putting it on. Domestic violence affects the health of the partner, causing broken trust. If a partner is forcing you to have sex or forcing you to get pregnant, it is best to consult with a doctor secretly to get birth control methods without him knowing. To leave an abusive relationship, always seek shelter and bring a phone with you. Don’t make it obvious that you need help and don’t go anywhere alone. Keep your privacy and don’t share anything out loud to someone or online.
          To keep safe from domestic violence or an abusive person, follow these steps.
  • ·         Meet in public
  • ·         Tell someone, like a friend or parent, where you’re going and who your date is
  • ·         Avoid parties that have alcohol
  • ·         Have a reliable source of transportation
  • ·         Bring a phone

If you’re going to a place with alcohol, follow these steps.
  • ·         Don’t take drinks from anyone but yourself
  • ·         Have your drink besides you at all times
  • ·         Don’t drink from punch bowls or public drinks
  • ·         If you didn’t pay attention to your drink, throw it away immediately
  • ·         Don’t drink too much

Signs of an abusive relationship:
  • ·         Always stalking you and wanting to know where you are at all times
  • ·         Trying to take things fast
  • ·         Major jealousy and pushiness
  • ·         Suggesting to do sexual activities often
  • ·         Putting inappropriate pictures of you online without your permission
  • ·         Threatening you if you break up with him
  • ·         Blaming you on the harm he gives you

Human trafficking is when someone is taken into a profession they are fooled into, usually something sexually but could also result in forced labor. It usually happens to women. They could be tricked into a job, but is actually taken into a human trafficking ring. They are usually resulted in sexual labor or forced prostitution in most cases. If you see a victim of human trafficking, call the police and they will take care of it.
There are many ways to help stop women abuse. You could:
1.       Spread awareness of all types of women abuse.
2.     Start a petition and get people to sign it.
3. Donate to organizations that specialize in this, such as the Human Trafficking 
4.     Befriend people that have been abused by others.
Together we can make a difference!

-Idea+Gift=Love IGL

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