
Saturday, November 23, 2013

Help the Grey-Crowned Crane!

Help the Grey-Crowned Crane

          Hello, this is IGL and this post is about the Grey-Crowned Crane. The Grey-Crowned is a bird found in the African countries of Kenya, Uganda, and Congo. They have long black legs and their body has gray, black, white, and a golden yellow. It leads to a slender neck with what looks like a red gobble. They have a white cheek and a sharp black beak. But their appearance is most notable with their “crown”. Like a plume on a helmet, it fancies a yellow glitter and a majestic crown-like top. The Grey-Crowned Crane enjoys eating seeds, the tips of grasses, groundnuts, soybeans, and other various types of plants. They also enjoy tiny vertebrates and bugs. They can be heard by their loud honking sounds they make.
          The Grey-Crowned Crane is currently endangered because of human development. They are sometimes captured and traded in illegal process and habitat loss contributes to their declining population. These cranes are also indirectly poisoned by chemicals. Also, the wetlands that these birds live on are lost because of overused pesticides, drainage, too much livestock, and power line collisions.
          There are many way to help these beautiful birds. You could:
  1. Spread the word and tell people
  2. Start a petition and get people to sign them.
  3. Donate to the International Crane Foundation to help them.

Help the Grey-Crowned Crane!
Idea+Gift=Love IGL

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