
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Help the Puerto Rican Crested Toad!

Help the Puerto Rican Crested Toad!

          Hello, this is IGL and this post is about the Puerto Rican Crested Toad. The Puerto Rican Crested Toad (Peltophryne lemur) is critically endangered. The amphibian lives in the rocky areas of forests of evergreen. It is threatened because of the growing human population and the introduction of a new species.

         The Puerto Rican Crested Toad one was thriving on the island of Puerto Rico and Virgin Gorda. This toad is the only native toad to Puerto Rico. But they are now declining. The first reason because of the decreasing population is because of habitat loss. They bred in small ponds in the forests. People drained these ponds for agricultural and urban uses. The last population of the toad is in the south of Guanica National Park.

          The next cause is because of the introduction of the Marine Toad. The Marine Toad (Bufo marinus) was brought to manage the grub population that destroyed the sugar canes. Sadly, the marine toad is a lot bigger (7 in.) than the Puerto Rican Crested Toad (2.5-4.5 in.). They fight for breeding areas, food, and shelter. The Marine Toad also eats the Puerto Rican sometimes. Other species of mammals also prey on the Puerto Rican Crested Frog.

          The AZA Species Survival Program (SSP) helps the toad by breeding them and releasing the tadpoles back into the wild. Miami Children’s Zoo also had a birth of tadpoles. The tadpoles were then given to Guanica National Park.

          There are many ways to help the Puerto Rican Crested Frog. You could:

1.     Spread the word. You could write an article to the newspaper or tell someone you know.

2.    Start a petition. Start a petition to have people help the toad.

3.    Donate to the SSP.

4.    Help at zoos that need help for the Puerto Rican Crested Toad.

Help save the Puerto Rican Crested Toad!

Idea+Gift=Love IGL

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Stop Animal Abuse

Stop Animal Abuse
          Hello, this is IGL and this post is about animal abuse. IGL has contributed a lot on animal abuse. There are also other posts about animal abuse including animal fighting, the animal shelter, farm animals, wildlife, and more.
          Animal abuse is so cruel and inhumane. The reasons are just so unexplainable. Sometimes people take their anger out on someone else (just like bullying, domestic violence, rape, women violence, and child abuse—which are also NOT okay). Sadly, people know that animals are helpless against a person’s power.
          Another reason is that a person just doesn’t realize how hard it is to take care of animal. Sometimes someone buys a puppy from the pet store (which is usually from the puppy mill, but that’s a whole different story). But that person doesn’t realize that an animal needs a lot of care. But they thought that they need to be brushed, washed, watered, and fed. So they just leave the animal there for a few days without any care.
          You can always help stop animal abuse. You could:
  1. When you don’t want an animal anymore, talk to your vet/animal expert or take it to a no-kill animal shelter. Both of those options are better than abandoning it without any food, water, and shelter.
  2. When you buy a pet, know what it needs. Give your pet the thinks it needs including food, water, and shelter.
  3. If you suspect animal abuse is going on, call the animal control.
  4. Donate to organizations that help stop animal abuse. A good organization for helping abused dogs is Rolda.
Another good organization is ASPCA.
Lastly, the IS foundation helps the circus animals.
  1. Spread the word. You could write a letter to the newspaper or just tell some people you know.
Help stop animal abuse!
-Idea+Gift=Love IGL

Wednesday, March 20, 2013



          Hello, this is IGL and this post is about AIDS. AIDS starts with the HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). The virus attacks your immune system. People believe that it started when people in Western Africa hunted infected monkeys for food. Later, it spread on. The virus attacks your T cell, a type of white blood cell. It makes more copies of the HIV. When it attacks too much of your T cells, you get AIDS (Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome).

          Technically, AIDS doesn’t kill you. It’s not a disease, but a syndrome. A syndrome is when a group of symptoms occur together that affects your body. It just damages your immune system. So it is involved in killing you. What does kill you is some small disease that you don’t really care about after twenty years, like influenza.

          The HIV is present in your body fluids, including blood and sexual fluids. Saliva, vomit, poop, pee, and tears contain HIV, but isn’t strong enough to affect someone else, except when containing blood. You could receive the HIV by sexual contact, drug injection, pregnancy, exposure during occupation, and body transplant. By sexual contact, unprotected intercourse could lead to HIV. During drug injection, people insert needles into their body with drugs. Sharing needles with someone who has HIV could lead to AIDS. An infected mother could give birth to an infected baby. Also, blood and a fluid called amniotic fluid come in contact with the baby during pregnancy. Breast milk could also contain the HIV. If you are a doctor, when caring for babies, the amniotic fluid around the baby could also infect you by transmitting into your body. Infection through body transplant is very rare because doctors scan or diagnose the body part or blood to check for HIV. But doctors probably wouldn’t do that.

          If you are HIV+, in the beginning, there aren’t any symptoms. But about 2-4 weeks later, you could get ARS, or the “worst fever in the world”, but not everyone gets ARS. Other symptoms include fatigue, rashes, muscle pains, night sweats, fever, chills, ulcers in the mouth, sore throat, and swollen lymph nodes.

          There are no cures for HIV/AIDS. But treatments include therapy and staying extra healthy.

          Most people with AIDS are in southern Africa. Approximately thirty-three million people are living with AIDS. Since 1981, twenty-five million people have died. One out of five people are infected without knowing.

          If you are affected with HIV or not, it is best to stay safe during sexual intercourse, avoiding drug injection, eating clean and healthy foods, being careful and staying sanitary. Remember, if you have HIV, any small virus could kill you, even a cold. So when doing everything, wash your hands and when you eat, clean it extra well.

          There are many awareness days for AIDS, but the worldwide one is World AIDS Day on December First. The ribbon color for World AIDS Day is red. You could take action on World AIDS Day. You could:

1.     Wear the red ribbon

2.    Spread awareness by holding up signs

3.    Helping the infected

Help spread awareness and caution for HIV/AIDS!

Idea+Gift=Love IGL

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Help the dolphins!

Help the Dolphins!

          Hello, this is IGL and this post is about the dolphins. Dolphins are many people’s favorite animal. In fact, it is one of Victori’s favorite animals too. But we might not see them in the future. Some species of dolphins are extinct!
          The first reasons some dolphins are becoming extinct is because of bycatch. Fishermen accidentally catch them into their nets. And the fishermen were just trying to catch some tuna!  
          Another reason is dolphin food. In some places, people serve dolphin seafood. You probably don’t eat dolphin seafood, but it happens in Japan and the Japanese government allows it. Yes, they serve dolphin sushi!
          The third reason is because of pollution. You see a surf dude throw a water bottle onto the shore. But soon, the waves come up and splash the beach. Then poof! Water bottle gone. Dolphins usually eat the trash, including plastic bags, soda cans, and other objects. The pollution also increases the acidity level in the water. And dolphins live in the water! Also, when people ride on boats, the propeller could scrape the dolphin.
          There are many ways to help. You could:
  1. Stop littering! In fact, don’t litter at all.
  2. Start a petition
  3. Spread the word
  4. Pick up trash
  5. Donate to charities
All these ways could help dolphins all the time! Help the dolphins!

-Idea=Gift=Love IGL

Help the Republic of Congo!

Help the Republic of Congo!

          Hello, this is IGL and this post is about the Republic of Congo. The Republic of Congo is the country next to the Democratic Republic of Congo. Republic of Congo is a bit wealthier than the Democratic, but it is still a poor country.
          The population is about four million people. But unfortunately, because of AIDS, the lifespan has decreased, birth mortality increased, and the death rate is taking over.
          The GDP per capita, or money made for each person, is about $4,700. That may seem a lot, but that’s how much they make every year. It doesn’t’ really supply much.
          About 1.514 million people are victims of forced labor. That is about ¼ of the population. It is also a destination for child slaves for forced labor, human trafficking, and sexual trafficking.
          There are many ways to help. There ways to help that you can do. You can:
  1. Spread the word
  2. Donate to that country
  3. Start a petition
  4. Adopt a child
These ways can help the Republic of Congo in so much difference!

-Idea+Gift=Love IGL

Friday, March 8, 2013

Help the Democratic Republic of Congo!

Help the Democratic Republic of Congo!

          Hello, this is IGL and this post is about the Democratic Republic of Congo. This country is a poor one. The country has 72.6 million people and the GDP per capita is $400.
          Years ago, the African World War involved the Democratic Republic of Congo with fights over natural resources. 5.4 million people have died because of the war. 47% of the people were children and people die of diseases unrelated to the war.
          Due to the increasing poverty, people hunt endangered animals like gorillas for bush meat. The national parks that help these animals have to exploit their water and food.
          The population for people below the poverty line is 71%. And people are trafficked to forced labor and forced prostitution. There are ways to help the Democratic Republic of Congo. You could:
  1. Spread the Word
  2. Start a petition
  3. Donate
  4. Adopt a child
These ways could always help this country. Help the Democratic Republic of Congo!

-Idea+Gift=Love IGL

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Help the Galapagos Penguin

Help the Galapagos Penguin!

          Hello, this is IGL and this topic is about the Galapagos penguin. They are endangered and are found only on a small island. They are the only penguins found north of the equator.
          The Galapagos penguin is threatened by climate change, bycatch, and pollution. People also bring dogs to the Galapagos Island and the dogs carry diseases the penguins can’t cope with. Cats also prey on the penguins. There are less than 2000 Galapagos penguin living. You could:
  1. Donate to the Galapagos penguin
  2. Start a petition
  3. Clean the planet
  4. Spread the word
Help the Galapagos Penguin!

-Idea+Gift=Love IGL

Help the Komodo dragon!

Help the Komodo dragon!

          Hello, this is IGL and this topic is about helping the Komodo dragon. The Komodo dragon is always killed because of fear of the lizard to attack. The IUCN claims that the Komodo dragon is vulnerable. Their population is decreasing because of habitat loss, natural disasters, and poaching. Trading of the animal and skin is illegal. Although natural disasters could not be stopped, you could stop poaching and habitat loss.
          They are also captured from the wild and brought to zoos for exhibit. They have a short lifespan and they would die early due to the habitat they are not used to. There are many ways to help the Komodo dragon. You could:
  1. Donate to a foundation that helps Komodo dragons
  2. Avoid products made from Komodo dragon
  3. Spread the word
  4. Start a petition
Help the Komodo dragon!

-Idea+Gift=Love IGL

Help the Tiger!

Help the Tigers!

          Hello, this is IGL and this topic is about helping the tigers. The tigers are poached for their coat and organs and are sold as an exotic pet. Even though many countries ban the hunting of tigers, poachers still sell the tiger in the black market.
          The tiger is still sold illegally today in the black market. Their habitat is also being taken away. There are many ways to help the tiger. You could:
  1. Donate to foundations that help tigers
  2. Spread the word
  3. Avoid tiger products
Help the tiger!

-Idea+Gift=Love IGL

Help the Rhinos!

Help the Rhinos!

          Hello, this is IGL and this post is about helping the rhinos. The rhinoceros is large animal with a horn on its head. It contains five subspecies: the Sumatra, white, Indian, Javan, and Black. The Javan, Sumatra, and black are critically endangered. The Indian is vulnerable and the white rhino is near threatened.
          The rhino is poached for their horn. Even though countries ban the hunting of rhinos, poachers still sell them in the black market. The horn is used to make daggers and medicine. The population of rhinos is decreasing every year. There are many ways to help the rhinos. You could:
  1. Donate to foundations that help rhinos (ex:
  2. Spread the word
  3. Start a petition
  4. Avoid products made from rhinos
These ways could help the rhino live on this earth!

-Idea+Gift=Love IGL

Help the Farm Animals!

Help the Farm Animals!

          Hello, this is IGL and this topic is about helping farm animals. Farm animals are crammed into small cages barely their size and undernourished. We’re not saying you have to become a vegetarian. But animals are being mistreated in many farms. That’s how the swine flu happened. Pigs were stuffed in many cages then one pig passed it on to another pig then it spread to humans.
          Farmers also overfeed the chickens. Have you ever seen the movie Chicken Run? That’s exactly what most farmers do. They fatten the chickens up and then sell them away. Sometimes they are so fat they can’t walk anymore. And farmers also ship away sick chickens to be in food everywhere. We’re not saying that meat is disgustingly inedible, but think about the types of food you eat. Usually the fancy restaurants are too fancy to buy fat, disgusting, sick farm animals, but the your-order-would-be-ready-in-a-minute types of restaurants could be buying unhealthy farm animals.
          Also, human eating farms wastes grain, fuel, and water. The animal manure also pollutes the water, soil, and the earth. People living near these farms are also affected.
          There are many easy ways to defeat this horrible agriculture. You could:
  1. Put Meatless Monday on your weekly basis
  2. spread the word
  3. convince farmers to care for animals better
  4. Donate to charities that help these farm animals
So, in order to help the planet, people, and animals, help the farm animals!

-Idea+Gift=Love IGL

Help the marine mammals!

Help the Marine Mammals!

       Hello, this is IGL and this topic is about helping marine mammals. Every year marine mammals are caught from the ocean and brought to entertainment parks. They are ripped from their natural lives and brought to a prison for them.
          The tanks for marine mammals are too small and they need natural ocean water. These marine mammals of course do not enjoy performing their awkward dance moves. They could never realize how it would be like living in the habitat they are supposed to be in.
          You could help in just small ways but could do a lot. You could:
  1. Spread the Word
  2. Stop swimming with dolphins
  3. Stop watching aqua parks
These ways could help in so much benefit. Help the marine mammals!

-Idea+Gift=Love IGL

Help the Wild horses!

Help the Wild Horses!

          Hello, this is IGL and this topic is about helping the wild horses. Horses used to roam the land. But farmers and people living in the country would sell these horses to slaughterhouses or kill them to keep the population away from them.
          Many times wild horses are brought in to be adopted by people. But just like the animal shelter, if there aren’t enough adoptive people coming in, they would send the animals to kill. These horses are sent to slaughterhouses where they are abused, tortured, and then killed. Wild horses need a better place to live in.
          A foundation called CANTER helps horses get homes from people instead of ending up at the slaughterhouses. CANTER is a great way to help horses. There are many ways to help wild horses. You could:
  1. Donate to CANTER or other foundations
  2. Spread the word.
  3. Convince farmers or other people to stop sending horses to slaughterhouses.
  4. Adopt a wild horse
Wild horses deserve a better fate than being killed. Help the wild horses!

-Idea+Gift=Love IGL

Stop the exotic pet trade!

Stop the Exotic Pet Trade

          Hello, this is IGL and this topic is about exotic “pets”. Exotic pets are everywhere. People capture them and trade them as a pet. Every animal has their wild instincts and could be very dangerous. They also carry diseases and could spread them to people. Some states in the US don’t allow exotic pets, but some let them in 100%.
          Usually exotic pets are sold as a cute, adorable, cuddly baby. But when they grow older, they could get larger and more dangerous. For example, lions are often traded as an exotic pet. They could become very dangerous and deadly.
          To help both wild animals and people, you could help. You could:
  1. Spread the word.
  2. Urge people not to get exotic pets
  3. Warn someone with an exotic pet
These ways could make your area a better place. Animals could be dangerous, and people are at stake too. So let animals be where they belong. Stop the exotic pet trade.

-Idea+Gift=Love IGL

Stop the Canadian Seal Hunt!

Stop the Canadian Seal Hunt!

          Hello, this is IGL and this topic is about stopping the Canadian Seal Hunt. Every year the Canadian government orders fishermen to kill thousands of seal pups. They sometimes kill them by beating them, using guns, or using the traditional hakapiks.
          Seals are killed for their fur and oil. Their bodies are left on the ice to rot. The population of seals is decreasing because of the Canadian Seal Hunt. Stop this cruel hunt now! You could:
  1. Boycott (along with Ke$ha as to early 2013)
  2. Spread the word
  3. Help foundations and organizations that are against the Canadian Seal Hunt
Help save the Canadian seals and stop the Canadian Seal Hunt!

-Idea+Gift=Love IGL

Help the Stray Dogs!

Help the Stray Dogs!

          Hello, this is IGL and this post is about helping the stray dogs. Stray dogs are found homeless on the streets without shelter, food, water, love, or vaccinations. They overpopulate and sometimes people would kill these dogs to cease the overpopulation.
          Stray dogs are sometimes killed on the streets or ran over by a car. Everybody could help stray dogs, and this is how you do it. You could:
  1. Bring it to the animal shelter
  2. Find a rightful owner
  3. Adopt it
These three options might not seem a lot, but could do so much. Help the stray dogs everywhere. They need your help!

-Idea+Gift=Love IGL

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Stop fur factories!

Stop Fur Factories!

          Hello, this is IGL and this project is about stopping fur factories. All types of animals are captured for their fur. They spend their life in a small cage then are killed and their fur is used in clothing. And you do NOT want to see a bloody pile of dog and cat carcasses on the dirt. Yes, people kill dogs and cats for their fur. Many times factories say that they use artificial fur, but most of the time, this isn’t true.
          No matter if the animal is endangered or not, they are killed for their hair. It is also been reported that raccoons are skinned ALIVE in factories. I’m afraid I’m going to go against Fey Sommers on this post (we know Ugly Betty is an old show) but fur is murder!
          The horrible thought of skinning so many innocent animals every year is so terribly terrible. There are ways you could help. You could:
  1. Shop fur-free
  2. Spread the word
Help stop fur factories!

-Idea+Gift=Love IGL

Stop Captive Hunts!

Stop Captive Hunts!

          Hello, this is IGL and this topic is about stopping captive hunts. Captive hunts could disrupt the whole population of a species of animal. Animals are sold from zoos, breeders, and the circus to captive hunt operators. These animals could be endangered and they aren’t afraid of humans since they were cared by them. They lock the animals in a fence then hunters could kill it as an easy target without any difficulty.
          First of all, this strategy of hunting could really harm the population of animals. They don’t stand a chance when a hunter shoots them. Even worse, the bondage between people and animals are harmed.
          Unfortunately, captive hunts also affect humans too. When an animal is placed in an unfamiliar habitat, their immune system might not take the viruses found in that new habitat. They could carry a disease and when a hunter takes their body or head to hang on a wall in their house, that person could receive a disease from the animal. When the government hears about it, taxpayers might have to pay more to fund the cure for the disease.
          So for the benefit of both animals and humans, stop the cruel hunting of captive hunts. There are many ways to help animals in captive hunts. You could:
  1. Spread the word. Tell someone or express it in the public.
  2. Ask your legislators to help stop captive hunts
  3. Write a letter to your state’s government
Captive hunting could be cruel in so many ways, and not only does it affects animals, it affects people too. Help stop captive hunts all over the world.

-Idea+Gift=Love IGL

Stop poaching!

Stop Poaching!

          Hello, this is IGL and this post is about poaching. Poaching is the act of illegal hunting of animals. Poaching is going on everywhere. Hunters kill endangered animals and illegally trade their body parts.
          Poachers kill thousands of animals every year. They also use illegal weapons too. Poachers could decline the population of endangered species, like the tiger and the elephant.
          Poaching occurs all the time. The start of a threat to animals is because of poaching. You could always help by a lot of things. You could:
  1. Notify any suspicious activity. If you see any suspicious acts of hunting, recognize who it is (ex: license number). Tell the park ranger or someone in charge.
  2. Spread the word. Write about it or tell someone about it.
  3. Donate to charities that help threatened animals.
Poaching is a horrible and illegal act. Stop poaching!

-Idea+Gift=Love IGL

Help the Animals in Laboratories!

Animals in Laboratories

          Hello, this is IGL and this topic is about animals in laboratories. Animals in laboratories are bought at the humane society, breeders, or the store to be tested in universities, colleges, and military training. Sometimes they are kidnapped from their habitats. Animals spend their lives in cages sick, undernourished, unloved, and living with dead animals. For example, bunnies are used to test out cosmetics so people put make-up on bunnies.
          People perform surgery on animal to test for medical training. Veterinarian schools also kill animals, cut them open, and then throw them away. In military training, they have the animal run around, and then soldiers shoot them live.
          Animals are abused every day in laboratories. But people could help too. You could:
  1. Spread the word. You could promote the issue to the public or just tell people about it.
  2. Plead to universities, schools, and the military to stop.
  3. Donate to foundations that help animals in laboratories.
Many animals need your help. More than thousands of poor animals are killed in laboratories every day. Help the animals in laboratories!

-Idea+Gift=Love IGL

Friday, March 1, 2013

Help Your Country's Troops

Help Your Country’s Troops!

          Hello, this is IGL. Our topic for this post is the troops. Originally, the idea was to help the US troops, but we remembered there could be people not from the USA looking at this. So, help your country’s troops because it is very important if you do.
          Troops are the military for your country. Whenever there is war, they fight for you. No matter what country you're from, from UK to Côte d'ivoire, your troops fight for you. These troops are always there and they barely ask us for anything, only to be back with their families.
          Operation Gratitude is an organization that sends care packages to US troops in signs of appreciation. They send snacks, entertainment items, and personal letters of appreciation. They have delivered more than 915,000 care packages to men and women in the military since 2003. 
          People in the military go to war many times. These troops help us in so many ways. There are also many ways to help them. You could:
  1. Donate to the military
  2. Spread the word
  3. Send them gifts by Operation Gratitude.
  4. Donate to Operation Gratitude for shipping matters. 
Your country’s troops help us in so many ways! Help the troops!

-Idea+Gift=Love IGL

Help the African Child Soldiers!

Help the African Child Soldiers!

          Hello, this is IGL and this project is about African child soldiers. Africa has used children as a militia for years. African boys and girls of teenagers to the age of nine have been kidnapped, sold by their families, or forced to join the military. Boys are separated from friends and families and are taught to fight. Girls are to please adult men in the military.
          One boy said that when he was kidnapped, the militia tied his two younger brothers up and beat them till they died. The youngest was nine years old. Boys are brainwashed and drugged to fight. They always killed someone and it wouldn’t bother them at all.
          War Child is an organization that prevents children from being manipulated by warfare. War Child believes that children should be in school instead of fighting in the army. 
          The children have lost so much. If they showed any weakness, they would be shot and killed. These poor children will never have a happy childhood, family, or friends. You could:
  1. Spread the word.
  2. Protest against it.
  3. Speak to retired children to rehabilitate them.
  4. Donate to War Child. Here's their website ==>>
As you can see, these children need a life too. Help the African child soldiers.

-Idea+Gift=Love IGL

Syrian Civil War

Syrian Civil War

          Hello, this is IGL and this topic is the Syrian Civil War, or the Syrian Uprising. The Syrian Uprising has been going on since 2011. It is the war between the rebels of the Ba’ath party and the people who stay loyal to it.
          Many people have fled the country. Some stayed, but live in devastation. Many people die from bombings and riots. Nearly 70,000 people were killed in the war.
          The children of Syria have been through so much through the civil war. There family and friends were killed. A girl, Turkieh, says that her mother was shot and killed when she came back from the market. A boy states that many friends that he used to play with our now dead and missing body parts.
          Save the Children has built refugees in Syria for children. Sadly, they are running out of food, water, clothing, blankets, and medicine. These children deserve this.
          Even though this war is one of the most sad and devastating, you could help too. You could:
  1. Donate supplies to refugees in Syria
  2. Spread the word. You could write letters to the newspaper or post reports to the library.
Even though there are usually more options, either one of these are very helpful for Syria. Help Syria!

-Idea+Gift=Love IGL