
Sunday, March 3, 2013

Help the Farm Animals!

Help the Farm Animals!

          Hello, this is IGL and this topic is about helping farm animals. Farm animals are crammed into small cages barely their size and undernourished. We’re not saying you have to become a vegetarian. But animals are being mistreated in many farms. That’s how the swine flu happened. Pigs were stuffed in many cages then one pig passed it on to another pig then it spread to humans.
          Farmers also overfeed the chickens. Have you ever seen the movie Chicken Run? That’s exactly what most farmers do. They fatten the chickens up and then sell them away. Sometimes they are so fat they can’t walk anymore. And farmers also ship away sick chickens to be in food everywhere. We’re not saying that meat is disgustingly inedible, but think about the types of food you eat. Usually the fancy restaurants are too fancy to buy fat, disgusting, sick farm animals, but the your-order-would-be-ready-in-a-minute types of restaurants could be buying unhealthy farm animals.
          Also, human eating farms wastes grain, fuel, and water. The animal manure also pollutes the water, soil, and the earth. People living near these farms are also affected.
          There are many easy ways to defeat this horrible agriculture. You could:
  1. Put Meatless Monday on your weekly basis
  2. spread the word
  3. convince farmers to care for animals better
  4. Donate to charities that help these farm animals
So, in order to help the planet, people, and animals, help the farm animals!

-Idea+Gift=Love IGL

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