
Sunday, March 3, 2013

Stop the Canadian Seal Hunt!

Stop the Canadian Seal Hunt!

          Hello, this is IGL and this topic is about stopping the Canadian Seal Hunt. Every year the Canadian government orders fishermen to kill thousands of seal pups. They sometimes kill them by beating them, using guns, or using the traditional hakapiks.
          Seals are killed for their fur and oil. Their bodies are left on the ice to rot. The population of seals is decreasing because of the Canadian Seal Hunt. Stop this cruel hunt now! You could:
  1. Boycott (along with Ke$ha as to early 2013)
  2. Spread the word
  3. Help foundations and organizations that are against the Canadian Seal Hunt
Help save the Canadian seals and stop the Canadian Seal Hunt!

-Idea+Gift=Love IGL

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