
Sunday, March 17, 2013

Help the Republic of Congo!

Help the Republic of Congo!

          Hello, this is IGL and this post is about the Republic of Congo. The Republic of Congo is the country next to the Democratic Republic of Congo. Republic of Congo is a bit wealthier than the Democratic, but it is still a poor country.
          The population is about four million people. But unfortunately, because of AIDS, the lifespan has decreased, birth mortality increased, and the death rate is taking over.
          The GDP per capita, or money made for each person, is about $4,700. That may seem a lot, but that’s how much they make every year. It doesn’t’ really supply much.
          About 1.514 million people are victims of forced labor. That is about ¼ of the population. It is also a destination for child slaves for forced labor, human trafficking, and sexual trafficking.
          There are many ways to help. There ways to help that you can do. You can:
  1. Spread the word
  2. Donate to that country
  3. Start a petition
  4. Adopt a child
These ways can help the Republic of Congo in so much difference!

-Idea+Gift=Love IGL

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