
Friday, March 1, 2013

Help the African Child Soldiers!

Help the African Child Soldiers!

          Hello, this is IGL and this project is about African child soldiers. Africa has used children as a militia for years. African boys and girls of teenagers to the age of nine have been kidnapped, sold by their families, or forced to join the military. Boys are separated from friends and families and are taught to fight. Girls are to please adult men in the military.
          One boy said that when he was kidnapped, the militia tied his two younger brothers up and beat them till they died. The youngest was nine years old. Boys are brainwashed and drugged to fight. They always killed someone and it wouldn’t bother them at all.
          War Child is an organization that prevents children from being manipulated by warfare. War Child believes that children should be in school instead of fighting in the army. 
          The children have lost so much. If they showed any weakness, they would be shot and killed. These poor children will never have a happy childhood, family, or friends. You could:
  1. Spread the word.
  2. Protest against it.
  3. Speak to retired children to rehabilitate them.
  4. Donate to War Child. Here's their website ==>>
As you can see, these children need a life too. Help the African child soldiers.

-Idea+Gift=Love IGL

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