
Friday, March 1, 2013

Help Your Country's Troops

Help Your Country’s Troops!

          Hello, this is IGL. Our topic for this post is the troops. Originally, the idea was to help the US troops, but we remembered there could be people not from the USA looking at this. So, help your country’s troops because it is very important if you do.
          Troops are the military for your country. Whenever there is war, they fight for you. No matter what country you're from, from UK to Côte d'ivoire, your troops fight for you. These troops are always there and they barely ask us for anything, only to be back with their families.
          Operation Gratitude is an organization that sends care packages to US troops in signs of appreciation. They send snacks, entertainment items, and personal letters of appreciation. They have delivered more than 915,000 care packages to men and women in the military since 2003. 
          People in the military go to war many times. These troops help us in so many ways. There are also many ways to help them. You could:
  1. Donate to the military
  2. Spread the word
  3. Send them gifts by Operation Gratitude.
  4. Donate to Operation Gratitude for shipping matters. 
Your country’s troops help us in so many ways! Help the troops!

-Idea+Gift=Love IGL

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