
Sunday, March 17, 2013

Help the dolphins!

Help the Dolphins!

          Hello, this is IGL and this post is about the dolphins. Dolphins are many people’s favorite animal. In fact, it is one of Victori’s favorite animals too. But we might not see them in the future. Some species of dolphins are extinct!
          The first reasons some dolphins are becoming extinct is because of bycatch. Fishermen accidentally catch them into their nets. And the fishermen were just trying to catch some tuna!  
          Another reason is dolphin food. In some places, people serve dolphin seafood. You probably don’t eat dolphin seafood, but it happens in Japan and the Japanese government allows it. Yes, they serve dolphin sushi!
          The third reason is because of pollution. You see a surf dude throw a water bottle onto the shore. But soon, the waves come up and splash the beach. Then poof! Water bottle gone. Dolphins usually eat the trash, including plastic bags, soda cans, and other objects. The pollution also increases the acidity level in the water. And dolphins live in the water! Also, when people ride on boats, the propeller could scrape the dolphin.
          There are many ways to help. You could:
  1. Stop littering! In fact, don’t litter at all.
  2. Start a petition
  3. Spread the word
  4. Pick up trash
  5. Donate to charities
All these ways could help dolphins all the time! Help the dolphins!

-Idea=Gift=Love IGL

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