
Saturday, March 2, 2013

Stop Captive Hunts!

Stop Captive Hunts!

          Hello, this is IGL and this topic is about stopping captive hunts. Captive hunts could disrupt the whole population of a species of animal. Animals are sold from zoos, breeders, and the circus to captive hunt operators. These animals could be endangered and they aren’t afraid of humans since they were cared by them. They lock the animals in a fence then hunters could kill it as an easy target without any difficulty.
          First of all, this strategy of hunting could really harm the population of animals. They don’t stand a chance when a hunter shoots them. Even worse, the bondage between people and animals are harmed.
          Unfortunately, captive hunts also affect humans too. When an animal is placed in an unfamiliar habitat, their immune system might not take the viruses found in that new habitat. They could carry a disease and when a hunter takes their body or head to hang on a wall in their house, that person could receive a disease from the animal. When the government hears about it, taxpayers might have to pay more to fund the cure for the disease.
          So for the benefit of both animals and humans, stop the cruel hunting of captive hunts. There are many ways to help animals in captive hunts. You could:
  1. Spread the word. Tell someone or express it in the public.
  2. Ask your legislators to help stop captive hunts
  3. Write a letter to your state’s government
Captive hunting could be cruel in so many ways, and not only does it affects animals, it affects people too. Help stop captive hunts all over the world.

-Idea+Gift=Love IGL

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